§ 52.135 FEES PROGRAM.
   (A)   Purpose. It is the purpose of this subchapter to provide for the payment of fees from dischargers to the Authority’s wastewater disposal system and to compensate the Authority for the cost of administration of the pretreatment program established herein.
   (B)   Charges and fees.
      (1)   The fees shall be billed to those facilities, persons, users and dischargers who the Superintendent must monitor to determine compliance with the requirements of this subchapter on a reasonable basis.
      (2)   These fees shall be based upon the time logs of the Superintendent and his or her duly authorized representatives which show the number of visits and time spent with reimbursement to be based upon the salary of the respective representative at the cost to the Authority.
      (3)   In addition, there shall be assessed reimbursement expenses to the Authority, to be paid by the discharger, user or persons, the cost of equipped surveillance vehicle operation, cost of in-plant industrial analysis, cost of any outside lab industrial analysis, administrative cost, laboratory fees for each parameter tested in both scheduled and unscheduled analysis, rental rates for the use of the flow measuring equipment and the automatic sampling equipment, and any and all other program costs deemed necessary by the Authority for monitoring an enforcement of this subchapter.
   (C)   Revision of charges and fees. The Authority shall review fees and costs, along with all other charges associated with this program as they deem necessary and amend this subchapter accordingly, by amendment to this chapter.
(Ord. 17-1989, passed 12-5-1989)