(A)   The terms of offices for the Council members to be elected on November 6, 1979 shall be as follows:
      (1)   Ward One: Two years;
      (2)   Ward Two: Four years;
      (3)   Ward Three: Four years;
      (4)   Ward Four: Four years; and
      (5)   Ward Five: Two years.
   (B)   The Council members elected on November 6, 1979 shall serve the terms designated in division (A) above beginning on January 1, 1980.
   (C)   The successors to the Council members elected from Wards One and Five on November 6, 1979 shall be elected at a town election to be held on November 3, 1981, and their successors shall serve for terms of four years.
   (D)   The successors to the Council members elected from Wards Two, Three and Four on November 6, 1979, and beginning their terms on January 1, 1980, shall be elected and serve for terms of four years.
   (E)   Each Council member shall be elected by a vote of all voters in the town, but shall represent the ward from which he or she runs.
   (F)   To be eligible to run for office of Council member, a person must be a resident of the ward he or she seeks to represent, be a citizen of the United States and be of legal voting age.
   (G)   A Council member may move his or her residence from the ward of election to another ward without vacating his or her seat; but such Council member shall not be eligible for re-election from the ward in which he or she no longer resides.
   (H)   A Council member who moves his or her place of residence outside the corporate limits of the town vacates his or her seat on the Town Council and shall be replaced according to the applicable state statute.
(Ord. 18, 1978, passed 10-17-1978; Ord. 21, 1978, passed 11-21-1978)