Any person, firm or corporation making a street cut or performing any construction work in the town will file with the town evidence acceptable to the town that the person making the cut and performing any construction work in the streets of the town has sufficient expertise and ability to timely repair the street, and shall execute an indemnification and hold harmless agreement to the town together with a certificate of insurance naming the town as an additional insured in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for personal injury and $250,000 for damage to property; provided, however, that, self- insured utilities may satisfy this provision by submission of audited financial statements on an annual basis prior to the work subject to the approval of the town and execute and deliver to the town an indemnification and hold harmless agreement indemnifying, protecting, and holding harmless the town from the actions of the entity in making a street cut or performing any construction work in the town.
(Ord. 2020-2-1, passed 2-4-2020)