No person shall, with intent to defraud or cheat, by color of any false token or writing or by any false or bogus check or other written, printed, or engraved instrument, by spurious coin or metal in the similitude of coin, or by any other false pretense, cause any person to grant, convey, assign, demise, lease, or mortgage any land or interest in land, or obtain the signature of any person to any written instrument, the making whereof would be punishable as forgery, or obtain from any person any money, personal property or the use of any instrument, facility, article, or other valuable thing or service, or by means of any false weights or measures obtain a larger amount or quantity of property than was bargained for, or by means of any false weights or measures sell or dispose of a less amount or quantity of property than was bargained for.
(Ord. 11-190, passed 7-19-2011) Penalty, see § 130.99