(A)   Submission requirements. The applicant for approval of a final plat shall submit 1 true copy of the proposed final plat and all supporting materials to the administrative official, along with the required application fees and any other fees as required by M.C.L.A. § 560.241. A final plat shall not be accepted for review after the date of expiration of the preliminary plat approval. The proposed final plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor and, along with supporting materials, shall show at least the following:
      (1)   A sworn certificate of the surveyor who made the plat, stating all of the following on the final plat:
         (a)   The copy is a true copy of the final plat.
         (b)   The final plat is subject to the approval of each of the governmental officers and agencies whose approval is required under Sections 162 through 169 of the Act, with a list of those officers and agencies.
         (c)   The date of the certificate.
      (2)   All items required by the Board and other governmental agencies pursuant to the approval of the preliminary plat.
      (3)   An abstract of title or a title insurance policy showing the proprietor holds merchantable title to all land included within the plat.
      (4)   Formal irrevocable offers of dedication of all public streets and other public facilities, in a form approved by the governmental agency with jurisdiction to accept the offers of dedication.
      (5)   Such other information as the Board may require to reasonably insure the completion of any unfinished public improvements.
   (B)   Application fee. Fees for final plat approval shall be those fees as listed in the township’s schedule of fees as adopted by the Board.
   (C)   Board review procedure.  
      (1)   Upon receiving an administratively complete application for a final plat, the administrative official shall submit same to the Board for review and approval consideration at its next regular meeting, or at a special meeting, within 20 days after the date of receiving the administratively complete final plat submission, pursuant to the approval standards in division (D) below.
      (2)   The Board shall instruct the Clerk to record all Board proceedings on the final plat in the minutes of the meeting, which shall be open for inspection, and to send a copy of the minutes to the County Plat Board.
         (a)   If the Board approves the final plat, it shall instruct the Clerk to notify the proprietor of the Board's approval and to certify the Board's approval, showing the date of the Board's approval, the approval of the Health Department, when required, and the date of the Health Department’s approval as shown on the approved preliminary plat.
         (b)   If the Board rejects the final plat, it shall instruct the Clerk to give the reasons in writing as set forth in the minutes of the meeting, and to return the unapproved final plat to the proprietor.
         (c)   Upon approval of a final plat, the Clerk shall also send the filing/recording fee and state plat review fee with the final plat to the Clerk of the County Plat Board.
   (D)   Standards for approval of final plat. The Board shall approve a final plat if it conforms to all of the applicable provisions of the Land Division Act and this subchapter, including but not limited to the following requirements:
      (1)   All monuments required to be placed in the subdivision have either been placed, or a performance guarantee agreement has been executed pursuant to § 151.28 to insure the placement of same.
      (2)   All roads, streets, bridges and culverts have been completed, or a performance guarantee agreement has been executed pursuant to § 151.28 to insure the completion of same.
      (3)   If the subdivision has any waterways or lagoons, and the like, as addressed in Section 188 of the Act, all such waterways and the like have been constructed, or a performance guarantee agreement has been executed pursuant to § 151.28 to insure the construction of same.
      (4)   If any flood plains lie within the proposed subdivision, such flood plains shall be restricted, as provided by Section 194 of the Act, and such restrictions shall be submitted to the Board for review and approval prior to recording, and thereafter shall be recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds contemporaneously with the recording of the plat.
      (5)   All utilities serving the plat have either been installed and water and sanitary sewer mains have been stubbed to the lot lines, or a performance guarantee agreement has been executed pursuant to § 151.28 to insure the completion of same.
      (6)   All underground utility installations, including lines for street lighting systems, that traverse privately owned property shall be protected by easements granted by the proprietor and approved by the public utility.
         (a)   These easements shall be recorded on the final plat as private easements for public utilities or easements provided by separate instrument.
         (b)   Easements across lots or centered on rear or side lot lines provided for utilities shall be at least 12 feet wide (preferably 1/2 from each lot), except 3-feet-wide side lot easements granted for street lighting drop-outs.
         (c)   These easements shall be direct and continuous from block to block.
      (7)   All public improvements, such as street lights, fire hydrants, sidewalks, parks, and the like, required by the township have been completed and installed, or a performance guarantee agreement has been executed pursuant to § 151.28 to insure the completion of same.
      (8)   The dedication of public streets and other public facilities has been executed by all required owners.
   (E)   Effect of approval of final plat. Approval of a final plat by the Board, and by all other governmental officers and agencies whose approval is required, and the recording of the approved final plat as required by the Act, confers approval of the plat to facilitate the construction thereof, and the sale and development of lots therein, in accordance with the approved final plat and all applicable laws, regulations and ordinances.
(Ord. 175, passed 11-10-2008)