(A)   Except as otherwise provided for in this chapter, competitive prices for all purchases or leases by the township shall be obtained as follows:
      (1)   Sealed bids shall be obtained for all purchases or leases involving an expenditure of $5,000 or more.
      (2)   Purchases of $500 to $2,000 must have approval of 2 township executive elected officials. Quotations shall be obtained from no less than 2 sources in all purchases or leases involving expenditures of $2,000 but less than $5,000. Prior approval shall be obtained from the Township Board on all expenditures exceeding $2,000, unless approved as part of a departmental budget. All expenditures must have a purchase order completed and signed by the appropriate department head.
      (3)   Purchases or leases of less than $500 may be made without first securing approval of the Township Board. A purchase order must be obtained and approved by the appropriate department head prior to the purchase or lease. If the department head is unavailable, such approval shall be obtained from the supervisor.
   (B)   When making a purchase or lease not requiring a sealed bid, the Township Supervisor or department head shall consider all circumstances surrounding the purchase or lease to be made or the service to be provided. Whenever it is in the best interest of the township, purchases, leases or services shall be provided from sources in the following order: Montrose Township, Montrose City, Genesee County, State of Michigan, out of state.
   (C)   Sealed bids shall not be required in the following instances:
      (1)   Where the subject of the purchase or lease is other than a public work or improvement, and the product or material to be purchased or leased for is not competitive in nature; provided that in no instance shall such product or material be purchased or leased without the prior approval of the Township Board and a properly completed purchase order.
      (2)   The Township Board may, at the request of the Township Supervisor or department head, authorize the Township Supervisor or his/her designee to negotiate a contract for the purchase or lease of any product, material or service with a provider of such product, material or service without regard to the requirements of this chapter; where the Township Board finds that the economic interest of the township is best served by negotiating a purchase or lease with a provider of the product, material or service without requesting sealed bids.
      (3)   In the employment of professional services, provided that in no instance shall such professional service be contracted for without prior approval of the Township Board.
      (4)   Where the goods or services have been previously budgeted and for which funds have been approved by the Township Board and such goods or services may be purchased by way of a cooperative purchasing process with other governmental units or agencies such as, (by way of example) MiDeal, GSA, or National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), or at a price established previously by such governmental units or agencies.
   (D)   When securing the services of a vendor to service or repair township's equipment, including but not limited to office equipment such as copy machines and computers, as well as vehicles, tractors and lawn mowers, the Township Supervisor or department head shall have authority to employ the provider. Consideration in the selection of the service provider shall be given to those providers who are appropriately licensed and skilled and who will best serve the economic interests of the township. Further consideration shall be given to qualified providers operating within the township.
(Ord. passed 3-18-2002; Am. Ord. 163, passed 2-19-2008; Am. Ord. 10-189, passed 11-9-2010; Am. Ord. 14-210, passed 8-19-2014; Am. Ord. 14-212, passed 10-21-2014)