(A)   It shall be unlawful hereunder for a person to be a disorderly person.
   (B)   A person is disorderly if the person is any of the following:
      (1)   Any person wandering abroad and begging; while living idly and without viable means of support, or any person who goes about from door-to-door to private homes or commercial and business establishments, or places himself or herself in or upon any public way or public place to beg or receive alms for himself or herself;
      (2)   Any person found loitering or strolling in, about, or upon any street, alley or other public way or public place, or at any public gathering or assembly, or in or around any store, shop, or business or commercial establishment, or on any public property or place without lawful business and conducting himself or herself in a lewd, wanton, or lascivious manner in speech or behavior;
      (3)   Any person who frequents or loafs, loiters, or idles in or around or is the occupant of or is employed in any gambling establishment or establishment where intoxicating liquor is sold without a license;
      (4)   Any person wandering abroad and occupying, lodging, or sleeping in any vacant or unoccupied barn, shed, shop, or other building or structure, or in any automobile, truck, railroad car, or other vehicle, without owning the same or without permission of the owner or person entitled to possession of the same, or sleeping in any vacant lot during the hours of darkness and not giving a satisfactory account of himself or herself;
      (5)   Any person who wanders about the streets, alleys, or other public ways or places, or who is found abroad at late or unusual hours in the night without any visible or lawful business and not giving a satisfactory account of himself or herself; and/or
      (6)   Be found looking into the windows or doors of any house, apartment or other residence, or into any building so constructed with a hole or opening in a wall, in such a manner as would be likely to interfere with the occupant’s reasonable expectation of privacy and without the occupant’s express or implied consent;
      (7)   Using vulgar, profane, or indecent language on any public street or other public place;
      (8)   Be intoxicated in a public place and who is either directly endangering the safety of another person or persons or property, or who is acting in a manner that causes a public disturbance;
      (9)   Engaging in obscene or indecent conduct in a public place;
      (10)   Jostling another person or persons in a crowd;
      (11)   Disturbing lawful meetings or creating a disturbance in a public street or other public place;
      (12)   Loitering in or about a police station or other public buildings;
      (13)   Loitering, loafing, wandering, standing, or remaining idle in a public place so as to do either of the following:
         (a)   Obstruct a public street, highway, sidewalk, place, or building by hindering, impeding, or threatening to hinder or impede the free and uninterrupted passage of vehicles, traffic, or pedestrians therein or thereon; or
         (b)   Obstruct or interfere with the free and uninterrupted use of property or business lawfully conducted by anyone in, upon, facing, or fronting any such public street, highway, sidewalk, place, or building as to prevent the free and uninterrupted ingress or egress thereto or there-from; and who refuses or fails forthwith to obey an order by a police officer to cease such conduct and to move and disperse.
(Ord. 11-190, passed 7-19-2011) Penalty, see § 130.99