(A)   General provisions.
      (1)   There is hereby established a Drinking Water Protection Overly District, identified and described as all the area within the ten-year TOT district around public water supplies as shown on the official zoning map.
      (2)   It is further established that these areas be composed of four districts, as they are defined in this subchapter.:
         (a)   Drinking Water Protection Overlay District IA;
         (b)   Drinking Water Protection Overlay District IB;
         (c)   Drinking Water Protection Overlay District II; and
         (d)   Drinking Water Protection Overlay District III
      (3)   The Board of Commissioners may record with the County Recorder’s office a metes and bounds description of the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District.
   (B)   Prohibited uses within Zone IA of the Drinking Water Protection Area.
      (1)   Uses permitted with Zone IA shall be limited to necessary public water supply wellhead equipment, including the following:
         (a)   Wellhead facility buildings;
         (b)   Water storage tanks;
         (c)   Disinfecting equipment;
         (d)   Disinfecting chemical storage; and
         (e)   Approved landscaping.
      (2)   All other uses shall be prohibited.
   (C)   Prohibited uses within Zone IB of the Drinking Water Protection Area. The following uses or conditions shall be and are hereby prohibited within Zone IB of the Drinking Water Protection Areas:
      (1)   Sanitary landfills;
      (2)   Livestock confinement operations;
      (3)   Hazardous waste disposal facilities;
      (4)   Injection well is a prohibited use, except for closed systems;
      (5)   Existing sewer lines shall not be closer than 100 feet of a wellhead or of new sanitary system and sewer lines shall not be closer than 150 feet of a wellhead;
      (6)   Existing septic tanks or drain fields shall not be closer than 100 feet of a wellhead and new installation of septic tanks or drain fields shall not be closer than 200 feet away from the wellhead;
      (7)   Junk or salvage yards;
      (8)   Disposal of waste oil, oil filters, tires and all other petroleum products; and
      (9)   (a)   All manufacturing or industrial businesses involving the collection, handling, manufacture, use, storage, transfer or disposal of any hazardous solid or liquid material or waste having a potential impact on groundwater, and any land use activities posing a hazard or threat to existing groundwater quality, except upon issuance of a special use permit.
         (b)   The special use permit process may be instigated by the Zoning Administrator during the application review process.
   (D)   Prohibited uses within Zone II of the Drinking Water Protection Area. The following uses or conditions shall be and are prohibited within Zone II of the Drinking Water Protection Area:
      (1)   Sanitary landfills;
      (2)   Hazardous waste disposal facilities;
      (3)   Injection well is a prohibited use, except for the following:
         (a)   Deep well injection (below 18 feet in depth):
            1.   Geothermal heat;
            2.   Heat pump return; and
            3.   Cooling water return.
         (b)   Shallow well injection only (less than 18 feet in depth), including:
            1.   Storm runoff;
            2.   Agricultural runoff wastewater;
            3.   Special drainage water;
            4.   Aquifer recharge;
            5.   Aquifer remediation; and
            6.   Septic systems (general).
      (4)   All manufacturing or industrial businesses involving collection, handling, manufacture, use, storage, transfer or disposal of any hazardous solid or liquid material or waste having potential impact on groundwater, and any land use activities posing a hazard or threat to existing groundwater quality, except upon issuance of a special use permit process, may be instigated by the Zoning Administrator during the application review process.
   (E)   Prohibited uses within Zone III of the Drinking Water Protection Area. The following uses or conditions shall be and are prohibited within Zone III of the Drinking Water Protection Area.
      (1)   Injection well is a prohibited use, except for the following:
         (a)   Deep well injection (below 18 feet in depth):
            1.   Geothermal heat;
            2.   Heat pump return; and
            3.   Cooling water return.
         (b)   Shallow well injection only (less than 18 feet in depth):
            1.   Storm runoff;
            2.   Agricultural runoff wastewater;
            3.   Special drainage water;
            4.   Aquifer recharge;
            5.   Aquifer remediation; and
            6.   Septic systems (general).
      (2)   (a)   All manufacturing or industrial businesses involving the collection, handling, manufacture, use, storage, transfer or disposal of any hazardous solid or liquid material or waste having potential impact on groundwater and any land use activities posing a hazard or threat to existing groundwater quality, except upon issuance of a special use permit.
         (b)   The special use permit process may be instigated by the Zoning Administrator during the application review process.
(Ord. 579, passed 1-4-2005)