(A)   (1)   Upon approval in principle of a preliminary development plan, an application for approval of the final development plan may be filed with the Administrator by at least one property owner or person having a presently existing interest in the property for which the PUD is proposed.
      (2)   Each application shall be signed by the owner or lessee, attesting to the truth and exactness of all information supplied on the application for the final development plan.
   (B)   At a minimum, the application shall contain the following information:
      (1)   A survey of the proposed development site, showing the dimensions and bearings of the property lines, area in acres, topography, existing features of the development site, including major wooded areas, structures, streets, easements, utility lines and land uses;
      (2)   All the information required on the preliminary development plan, the location and sizes of lots, location and proposed density of dwelling units, nonresidential building intensity and land use considered suitable for adjacent properties;
      (3)   A schedule for the development of units to be constructed in progression and a description of the design principles for:
         (a)   Buildings and streetscapes;
         (b)   Tabulation of the number of acres in the proposed project for various uses;
         (c)   The number of housing units proposed by type;
         (d)   Estimated residential population by type of housing; and
         (e)   Estimated nonresidential population; anticipated timing for each unit and standards for height, open space, building density, parking areas, population density and public improvements proposed for each unit of the development whenever the applicant proposes an exception from standard zoning districts or other ordinances governing development.
      (4)   Engineering feasibility studies and plans showing, as necessary, water, sewer, drainage, electricity, telephone and natural gas installations, waste disposal facilities, street improvements and nature and the extent of earth work required for site preparation and development;
      (5)   A site plan showing buildings, structures, various functional use areas, circulation and their relationship;
      (6)   Preliminary building plans including floor plans and exterior elevations;
      (7)   Landscaping plans; and
      (8)   Deed restrictions, protective covenants and other legal statements or devices to be used to control the use, development and maintenance of the land, and the improvements thereon, including those areas which are to be commonly owned and maintained.
(Prior Code, § 17.48.160)