(A)   Prior to granting a conditional use permit, at least one public hearing in which interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard shall be conducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (B)   Notice shall be provided as follows.
      (1)   At least 15 days prior to the hearing, notice of the time and place and a summary of the proposal shall be published in the official newspaper of general circulation within the jurisdiction. Notice may also be made available to other newspapers and radio and television stations serving the jurisdiction for the requested use.
      (2)   Notice shall be provided to property owners and residents within and 300 feet beyond the external boundaries of the land use being considered as well as any additional area that may be substantially impacted by the proposed conditional use as determined by the Commission. When notice is required to 200 or more property owners or residents, three notices in the newspaper of general circulation may replace mailing notification, provided the third notice appears ten days prior to the public hearing.
      (3)   Property shall be posted as per state statutes.
      (4)   The Administrator and/or staff shall provide notification to required public agencies.
      (5)   Any person may comment on the proposal and submit written comments through the mail or in person. Such comments shall be kept in the case file and presented at the public hearing.
   (C)   Following public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall deliberate and make its recommendation to the City Council not later than 30 days from the date of the public hearing. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall outline:
      (1)   The ordinance and standards used in evaluating the application;
      (2)   The reasons, facts and findings for its recommendation; and
      (3)   Comments from the public hearing and such conclusions as support the recommendation for approval, approval with conditions or denial.
   (D)   A copy of the recommendation to the Council along with conditions, facts and findings and standards used in evaluating the application shall be sent to the applicant within ten days following deliberation and recommendation.
(Prior Code, § 17.44.050)