Certain unique land uses pose special problems that may have detrimental influences on surrounding land uses. The following performance standards for such unique land uses shall be adhered to in addition to all other provisions of this chapter, and more specifically § 153.038.
   (A)   Animal clinics, animal hospitals and veterinary offices will:
      (1)   Be located at least 300 feet from any residence, including motels and hotels, excluding the owner’s residence. The Administrator may modify these requirements if the animals are completely housed in soundproof structures completely screening them from view of the abutting residential properties; and
      (2)   Comply with all state and local regulations relative to such an operation and maintain adequate housekeeping practices designed to prevent the creation of a nuisance and to reduce to a minimum the factors of noise and odor.
   (B)   Bulk storage of flammable liquids and gases, aboveground and for resale, will:
      (1)   Be located at least 300 feet from a residential zone; and
      (2)   Be erected and provide suitable loading and unloading spaces and off-street parking facilities subject to the approval of the Fire Chief.
   (C)   Contractor’s yards will:
      (1)   Be located a minimum distance of 50 feet from any residence, except for an owner’s residence. Contractors continually storing heavy equipment will be required to meet a minimum location distance of 150 feet;
      (2)   Have a screening fence around areas utilized for the storage of equipment; and
      (3)   Be limited to storage, maintenance and processing incidental to contracting work. There shall be no general industrial or commercial uses.
   (D)   Day care centers will provide a minimum outside play yard of 100 square feet per child.
   (E)   Drive-in restaurants will:
      (1)   Have a six-foot sight-obscuring fence along the property lines adjoining a residence;
      (2)   Provide for adequate trash receptacles; and
      (3)   Avoid the direction of night lighting toward any residence.
   (F)   Filling, grading, lagooning, dredging or other earth-moving activity will:
      (1)   Result in the smallest exposure of bare ground for the shortest time feasible;
      (2)   Provide temporary ground cover such as mulch;
      (3)   Use diversions, silting, basins, terraces and other methods to trap sediment;
      (4)   Provide lagooning in such a manner as to avoid creation of fish trap conditions;
      (5)   Not restrict a floodway, channel or natural drainageway;
      (6)   Construct and stabilize sides and bottoms of cuts, fills, channels and artificial water courses to prevent erosion or soil failure;
      (7)   Not have below-grade excavation, except for drainageways within 50 feet of any lot line or public right-of-way; and
      (8)   Restore topsoil or loam to a depth of not less than four inches.
   (G)   Helicopter landing sites will require:
      (1)   A minimum acreage of vacant land required will be two acres;
      (2)   Proof of general liability insurance;
      (3)   The approaches to the landing area and zone to be made in such a manner as to avoid flying over residences in the general vicinity of the landing zone;
      (4)   All FAA rules and regulations to be adhered to; and
      (5)   If fuel is to be stored on the site for more than 12 hours, it shall be stored not less than 200 feet from any building. However, it is recommended fuel not be stored on the site.
   (H)   Home occupations will require the following.
      (1)   Not more than one person other than members of the family residing on the premises shall be engaged in such occupation.
      (2)   The use of the dwelling unit for the home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes by its occupants.
      (3)   There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises or other visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation other than one non-illuminated sign not exceeding four square feet in area may be mounted flat against the wall of the principal building.
      (4)   No significant traffic shall be generated by such home occupation, and any need for parking shall be limited to the existing driveway.
      (5)   Home occupations shall adhere to the same restrictions existing in § 153.038.
      (6)   A home occupation that has grown to the definition of a home business shall be subject to authorized uses described in § 153.040 and may require a conditional use permit.
   (I)   Meat-packing, processing plant and slaughterhouse facilities will:
      (1)   Be located not less than 600 feet from any residence, except from the owner’s residence. Such facilities shall have a minimum setback of 30 feet from any property line;
      (2)   Be designed and located with full consideration to their proximity to adjacent uses, their effect upon adjacent and surround properties and to the reduction of nuisance factors such as odor;
      (3)   Be adequately maintained with housekeeping practices to prevent the creation of a nuisance and shall also be subject to the health authority requirements as to the elimination of waste materials and the maintenance of water quality control;
      (4)   Be subject to the approval of the City Superintendent; and
      (5)   Conform to the standards set forth in the city’s wellhead protection plan.
   (J)   Mobile home parks will require the following.
      (1)   Mobile home placement shall be limited to mobile home parks. Mobile homes are not identified as manufactured or modular homes placed on permanent foundations. Further mobile homes must be manufactured after 1976.
      (2)   Mobile home parks shall be developed according to standards and requirements as set forth in the city’s current subdivision ordinance.
   (K)   Outdoor rifle and pistol ranges will:
      (1)   Be designed with a backstop;
      (2)   Be designed to avoid a line of fire directed toward any residence or business within one mile;
      (3)   Incorporate landscaping compatible with the surrounding landscaping; and
      (4)   Provide supervision and security measures during periods of use.
   (L)   Outdoor storage of commercial and industrial materials will be enclosed with a six-foot fence adjoining a residence or residentially zoned area, whether or not such property is separated by an alleyway or street.
   (M)   Portable shelters, including portable car ports, will be considered accessory buildings.
   (N)   Recreational vehicle parks and travel trailer parks shall be developed according to the city’s current subdivision ordinance.
   (O)   Mini-storage in the CBD must be located behind existing businesses and/or vacant lots in line with existing businesses and not easily visible from Highway 89.
   (P)   Recycling plants shall be completely enclosed by a solid six-foot high obscuring fence, and no part of the operation except for customer/employee parking shall be outside the fence.
   (Q)   Wrecking yards shall be completely enclosed by a solid six-foot high obscuring fence.
(Prior Code, § 17.40.050)