(A)   Purpose.
      (1)   The purpose of this section is to guide the keeping and the introduction of large animals in the city and to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the residents.
      (2)   This section does not include dogs, cats, up to 25 hen chickens and up to 25 rabbits.
(Prior Code, § 17.36.010)
   (B)   Large animal areas. Within the following mapped areas, large animals may be kept under the following conditions.
      (1)   The property must have a minimum of 10,000 square feet. The square footage shall not include any combination of the following: The footprint of the house, the front yard and five feet of the side yards contiguous to the house.
      (2)   Animals may be kept at a minimum ratio of not more than one animal unit per 10,000 square feet of land and shall have access to that 10,000 square feet of land.
      (3)   The following shall be considered one animal unit:
         (a)   One horse (donkey, mule);
         (b)   One cow;
         (c)   Three sheep;
         (d)   Twenty-six chickens (must be caged or confined and are not required to have access to the 10,000 square feet of land);
         (e)   Twenty-six rabbits (must be caged or confined and are not required to have access to the 10,000 square feet of land); and
         (f)   Twenty-five pigeons (must be caged or confined and are not required to have access to the 10,000 square feet of land).
      (4)   Animals not specifically named in divisions (B)(3)(a) through (B)(3)(f) above shall not be permitted.
      (5)   Any animal not specifically identified in this section is permitted by conditional use only.
(Prior Code, § 17.36.020)
   (C)   Animal-free areas. Animal-free areas shall be those areas within the city limits not allowing the keeping of any large animal units.
(Prior Code, § 17.36.030)
   (D)   Performance standards.
      (1)   Owners or managers of any large animal unit(s) shall maintain a fence adequate to prevent animals from harming neighbors’ property, including tree and bush foliage within the neighbors’ property but not including overgrowth.
      (2)   Owners or managers of large animal units shall have a continuous obligation to maintain adequate housekeeping practices to prevent the creation of a nuisance.
      (3)   If the property does not meet the size requirements to house large animal units, large animal units may not be maintained upon the sale of the property.
   (E)   Map.
(Prior Code, § 17.36.040)
(Ord. 640, passed 7-3-2013)