(A) Zoning districts designated.
(1) The following zoning districts are hereby established. For the interpretation of this chapter, the zoning districts have been formulated to realize the general purposes as set forth in this chapter. In addition, the specific purpose of each zoning district shall be as stated.
(2) Unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, no building or structure shall be built or materially altered, nor shall land be used, except in conformance with the zoning district in which it is located. These designations have been made to implement policies of the city comprehensive plan. The following names shall apply to zoning and overlay districts created by this chapter:
District Name | (Symbol) |
District Name | (Symbol) |
Agricultural District | (A) |
Area and Service Business District | (C-2) |
Central Business District | (CBD) |
Heavy Manufacturing District | (M-2) |
High Density Multi-Family Residential District | (R-20) |
Light Manufacturing District | (M-1) |
Limited Office District | (LO) |
Low Density Residential District | (R-2) |
Medium Density Residential District | (R-6) |
Medium Density Residential District | (R-8) |
Medium High Density Residential District | (R-12) |
Medium Low Density Residential District | (R-4) |
Neighborhood Business District | (C-1) |
(Prior Code, § 17.16.010)
(B) Official zoning map.
( 1) In order to separate land uses and comply with the comprehensive plan, the city is divided into zoning districts as shown on the official city zoning map, which is adopted as part of this subchapter.
( 2) The zones shown on the zoning map shall correspond to the zones described in the text of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 17.16.020)
(C) Purposes and density requirements.
( 1) Agricultural (A) District.
(a) The purpose of the A District is to allow continuation of agricultural areas for agricultural purposes.
(b) Gross residential density is as follows: One dwelling unit per two acres.
(2) Low Density Residential (R-2) District.
(a) The purpose of the R-2 District is to preserve areas for the promotion of a rural appearance.
(b) Gross residential density is as follows: Two dwelling units per one acre.
(3) Medium Low Density Residential (R-4) District.
(a) The purpose of the R-4 District is to allow increased density while maintaining a more rural appearance.
(b) Gross residential density is as follows: Four dwelling units per one acre.
(4) Medium Low Density Residential (R-6) District.
(a) The purpose of the R-6 District is to allow for a medium low density residential district with additional allowances for dwelling units.
(b) Gross residential density is as follows: Six dwelling units per one acre.
(5) Medium Density Residential (R-8) District.
(a) The purpose of the R-8 District is to permit the establishment of a higher density district.
(b) Gross residential density is as follows: Eight dwelling units per one acre.
(6) Medium High Density Residential (R-12) District.
(a) The purpose of the R-12 District is to encourage two-family and multi-family dwellings, but not to the exclusion of single-family dwellings.
(b) Gross residential density is as follows: 12 dwelling units per one acre.
(7) High Density Multi-Family Residential (R-20) District.
(a) The purpose of the R-20 District is to permit the establishment of high density multi-family dwellings. Direct access and egress to an arterial or collector thoroughfare is required.
(b) Gross residential density is as follows: 20 dwelling units per one acre.
(8) Limited Office (LO) District.
(a) 1. The purpose of the LO District is to permit the establishment of groupings of professional, medical, administrative, executive, accounting and similar uses.
2. The LO District is also designed to act as a buffer between other more intense nonresidential uses and high density residential uses.
(b) Limited Office District performance standards are as follows: Must have direct access and egress to an arterial or collector thoroughfare.
(9) Neighborhood Business (C-1) District.
(a) The purpose of the C-1 District is to permit the establishment of general business uses for neighborhood convenience.
(b) Neighborhood Business District performance standards are as follows: 30-foot buffers between C-1 and residential districts shall be required.
(10) Area and Service Business (C-2) District.
(a) The purpose of the C-2 District is to allow general business and civic uses that are larger space users and better suited to be located on arterial thoroughfares such as shopping centers.
(b) Area and Service Business District performance standards are as follows:
1. Thirty-foot buffers between C-2; and
2. Residential districts shall be required.
(11) Central Business (CBD) District.
(a) The purpose of the CBD District is to accommodate and encourage further expansion and renewal in the historical core business area of the community.
(b) Central Business District performance standards are as follows: 30-foot buffers between CBD and residential districts shall be required.
(12) Light Manufacturing (M-1) District.
(a) The purpose of the M-1 District is to encourage the development of manufacturing and wholesale business establishments and is designed to act as a transitional use between heavy manufacturing uses and other less intense business and residential uses.
(b) Light Manufacturing District performance standards are as follows.
1. Establishments shall be free of hazardous or objectionable elements such as noise, dust, odor, smoke or glare.
2. Establishments shall generate little industrial traffic.
(13) Heavy Manufacturing (M-2) District.
(a) The purpose of the M-2 District is to encourage the development of major manufacturing, processing and warehousing in areas distanced from residential districts.
(b) Heavy Manufacturing District performance standards are as follows.
1. Industrial permits shall be required.
2. Establishments shall have reasonable access to arterial thoroughfares and/or rail.
(Prior Code, § 17.16.030)
(D) Interpretation of district boundaries. Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of any of the zoning districts as shown on the official zoning map, the following shall apply.
(1) Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following the centerline of street lines, highway right-of-way lines, streams, lakes or other bodies of water, the centerline shall be construed to be such boundary.
(2) Where district boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow the lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be said boundaries.
(3) Where district boundaries are so indicated that they are approximately parallel to the centerlines or street lines of streets, or the centerlines or right-of-way lines of highways, such district boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance therefrom as indicated on the official zoning map. If no distance is given, such dimensions shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on the official zoning map.
(4) Where the boundary of a district follows a railroad line, such boundary shall be deemed to be located in the middle of the main tracks of said railroad line.
(Prior Code, § 17.16.040)