All procedural matters relating to the legislative activities of the Council shall be determined by Council by two-thirds vote of its members and, until such time as Council establishes such a rule or rules, the procedure for enactment of legislation shall be as provided by the general laws of the State of Ohio applicable to municipalities which have not adopted a Charter or a plan of government under Chapter 705 of the Revised Code. Procedural matters subject to rule by Council shall include, but not be limited to, the definition and coverage of ordinances, resolutions, and motions; the style of such legislation; the number of subjects covered in a single piece of legislation; the number of readings, if any, required; the effective date of legislation; the vote requirement for passage of legislation; the publication required of legislation; the authentication, recording, and amendment of legislation; the referral of certain matters to other bodies prior to enactment of legislation, e.g., referral of zoning matters to the Planning Commission; public hearings on certain matters; adoption of technical codes; the codification of legislation; and open meetings and the holding of executive sessions.