905.99 PENALTY.
   (a)   Violations. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or any rules or regulations enacted pursuant to this chapter or who fails to comply with any notice issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or pursuant to the said rules and regulations, shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to one hundred dollars ($100.00). Each day during which any violation occurs shall be a separate offense.
   (b)   Damage to be Paid by Violator. If as a result of any violation set forth above, the injury, mutilation, or death of a tree, shrub or other plant located on Municipally owned property is caused, the cost of repair or replacement of such tree, shrub, or other plant, shall be borne by the party in violation and shall be paid to the Municipality within thirty days after notice.
   (c)   Nuisance Abatement. In the event that a nuisance is not abated by the date set forth in the notice, the Forester is authorized to cause the abatement of said nuisance. The cost of the nuisance abatement shall be borne by the party in violation and shall be paid to the Municipality within thirty days after notice.
   (d)   Assessment to Real Estate Taxes. If the cost of repair or replacement or the cost of abatement as set forth above is not paid to the Municipality within thirty days after notice, the Commission shall certify the amount to the Clerk of Council who shall then certify that amount plus a fifty percent (50%) penalty to the Williams County Auditor for collection with the next appropriate installment of real estate taxes and such assessment shall become a lien against the subject property from the time the assessment is placed on the tax duplicate until paid in full.
   (e)   Other Remedies. The Municipality may also elect to enforce this chapter or any rules and regulations made pursuant to this chapter by seeking injunctive relief or any other appropriate relief from the Court of Common Pleas of Williams County.
(Ord. 904. Passed 8-26-91.)