The Tree Commission shall consist of a minimum of five members. One member of Village Council shall be a member of the Tree Commission. All members of the Tree Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of Council by a vote of not less than two-thirds of a majority of its members. Tree Commission members shall be residents within the corporation limits of the Village.
   (a)   Tree Commission members may serve for an indefinite number of years.
   (b)   Tree Commission members shall serve without pay.
   (c)   Vacancies on the Tree Commission shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
   (d)   The Tree Commission establishes an Honorary Tree Commission member.
      (1)   An Honorary Tree Commission member is someone who wishes to retire from active long-term service as a regular Tree Commission member as recommended to the Council and Mayor by a majority vote of the Tree Commission.
      (2)   An Honorary Tree Commission member will be afforded the same rights as a regular Tree Commission member and serves for life at the pleasure of the Tree Commission.
   (e)   The Tree Commission establishes an associate member. This member is a person who wishes to serve on the Village’s Tree Commission but resides outside the Village of Montpelier corporation limits.
      (1)   An associate member will be able to serve in the same capacity as a regular member of the Tree Commission, but shall not have voting rights in the meetings.
      (2)   An associate member shall be recommended upon the majority vote of the regular and honorary members to the Village Council and Mayor for their vote and appointment.
      (3)   Removal of an associate member will be through a majority vote of the Tree Commission members and honorary members with notification of the recommendation to the Village Council for their consideration.   
         (Ord. 2139. Passed 10-10-11.)