A   Requirements Satisfied: The city will not extend the services of its public facilities to any subdivision until the requirements of this title have been satisfied. Any such subdivision should have been reviewed by and had the approval of the city engineer, the planning commission and the city council.
   B   Preservation Of Land: Trees, native land cover, natural watercourses, and topography shall be preserved when possible, and the subdivision shall be so designed as to prevent excessive grading and scarring of the landscape in concordance with the provision of this title.
   C   Streets: The design of new subdivisions shall consider and relate to present street widths, alignments and names.
   D   Coordination Of Development: This title establishes procedures for the review of proposed subdivisions by affected boards, bureaus, other governmental agencies and utility companies, private and public so that the extension of community facilities and utilities may be accomplished in an orderly manner and in coordination with the development of the subdivision. In order to ease the acquisition of land areas required to carry out this policy, the planning commission may require the subdivider to dedicate, grant easements over, or otherwise reserve land for parks, playgrounds, thoroughfares, utility easements, and other public purposes as specified. (Ord. 2012-01, 7-10-2012)