For the purpose of this title, the following definitions shall apply:
BUILDABLE AREA: That portion of a lot which will fit the construction of a structure under the provisions of the building codes 1 adopted by the city and this title, either without grading and excavation or with grading and excavation, as specified in this title.
CITY ENGINEER: Until such time as the city hires a permanent registered engineer, the city engineer shall be a licensed surveyor, a registered engineer, or an engineering firm as designated by the city council on either a retainer or per job basis.
CIVIL ENGINEER: A professional engineer registered in the state of Utah to practice in the field of civil engineering work.
CUT: A process of excavation. See definition of Excavation.
DETACHED STRUCTURE: Any structure being secondary to the primary use of the parcel (i.e., a garage, storage sheds, barns, coops, etc.).
EASEMENT: A land use right offered for a specific purpose or use over, upon, or beneath the land; its location and extent being accurately described in the letting process or by separate document using metes and bounds; distinct from land ownership and granted to the public, a particular party or public utility.
EXCAVATION: Any act by which vegetation matter, earth, sand, gravel, rock or any other similar material is cut into, dug, quarried, uncovered, removed, displaced, relocated, or bulldozed, and shall include the conditions resulting from it.
FACILITY: A public service developed, owned and maintained by the city (i.e., water, sewer, etc.).
FILL: A deposit of earth material by artificial means.
FINAL PLAT: A permanent map or chart, accurately describing a division of land which has been surveyed and marked on the ground so that streets, blocks, lots and other divisions may be identified and located.
GRADING: Any excavating or filling, or combination thereof, and shall include the conditions resulting from any excavation or fill.
HILLSIDE AREA: Any lot or parcel with an average slope greater than eight percent (8%).
INTERVENING PROPERTY: Property located between an existing service facility and the property under development.
   A.   A parcel of real property shown as a delineated parcel of land with a number and designation on the final plat of a subdivision recorded in the office of the San Juan County recorder; or
   B   A parcel of land, the dimensions or boundaries of which are defined by record in the office of the San Juan County recorder.
LOT AREA: The total area measured on a horizontal plane included within the lot lines of the lot or parcel of land.
LOT WIDTH: The distance across a lot or parcel of property, measured along a line parallel to the front lot line, or parallel to a straight line, connecting the ends of an arc which makes up the front lot line.
METES AND BOUNDS: The description of a lot or parcel of land by courses and distances.
NATURAL STATE: The description of a lot or parcel of land by courses and distances.
OFF SITE IMPROVEMENTS: Improvements, as required by this title, installed outside the perimeter of the subdivision which are designed and located to serve the needs of the subdivision or adjacent properties, lying between the subdivision and existing improvements.
ON SITE IMPROVEMENTS: Improvements, as required by this title, installed within or on the perimeter of the subdivision or development site.
OVERSIZED IMPROVEMENTS: Improvements with added capacity designed to serve other property in addition to the land within the boundaries of the subdivision or development.
PARCEL: See definition of Lot.
PRELIMINARY PLAT: A map or plan of a proposed land division, prepared in accordance with the regulations of this title.
REMOVAL: The killing of vegetation by spraying, complete extraction or cutting of such vegetation to the ground, or down to trunks or stumps.
RESUBDIVISION: The changing or amending of any existing lot or lots of any subdivision plat previously recorded in the records of the county recorder as provided in section 11-2-6 of this title.
RETENTION BASIN: An area recessed or designed to receive and retain stormwater discharge or runoff.
RIPRAP: A loose assemblage of broken stone placed on the surface of the ground to prevent erosion.
ROUGH GRADE: The state of excavation at which grading is within four inches (4") of the final grade as shown on the approved grading plan.
SITE: Any lot or parcel of land.
SKETCH PLAN: A preliminary map or preapplication plat, showing the concept of the proposed development or subdivision, having sufficient detail to illustrate on site characteristics of the proposed subdivision and adjacent parcels.
STREET: Any street, avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parkway, viaduct or other way, for the movement of vehicular traffic which is an existing state, county, or city roadway, or a street or way shown upon a plat, formerly approved, pursuant to law, or approved by official action; and includes the land between street lanes, whether improved or unimproved and may comprise pavement, shoulders, gutter, sidewalks, parking areas, and other areas within the right of way. For the purpose of this title, streets shall be classified as follows:
City Street: Any street within the city's incorporated boundary that is recognized and maintained by the city.
Cul-De-Sac: A street open at one end with a designated vehicular turnaround area at the closed end.
Dead End: A street open at one end with no turnaround.
Major Highway: A major regional highway, including an expressway, freeway or interstate highway designed to carry vehicular traffic:
   A   Into, out of, or throughout the regional area (interregion); and
   B   From one political subdivision of the region to another, or from an interregional highway.
Service Road: A street or road paralleling and abutting major streets to provide access to adjacent property so that each adjacent lot will not have direct access to the major street.
Stub: A street or road extending from within a subdivision and which terminates at the subdivision boundary with no provision for a vehicular turnaround. Stub streets are normally required to connect to street system of adjacent developments.
STREET RIGHT OF WAY: That portion of land dedicated to public use for street and utility purposes.
SUBDIVIDER: Any person or legal entity laying out or making a land division for the purpose of sale, offering for sale or selling for himself or others, any subdivision or any part of it.
SUBDIVISION: Any land that is divided, resubdivided or proposed to be divided into two (2) or more lots, parcels, sites, units, plots, or other division of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, for offer, sale, lease, or development either on the installment plan or upon any and all other plans, terms, and conditions.
VICINITY PLAN: A map or chart, showing the relationship of streets and land within a proposed subdivision to the streets and lands in the surrounding area. (Ord. 2012-01, 7-10-2012)



1. See title 9 of this code.