A   Number Of Meters; Dispute: Except as otherwise expressly permitted by this chapter, all structures, dwelling units, establishments and persons using water from the city water system must have an adequately sized water meter connected to their water system as is necessary in the judgment of the public works manager to measure use and determine water charges to the respective users. Whenever a dispute between the public works manager and the property owner arises as to the appropriate size of meter to be installed on any premises, the matter shall be heard and determined by the governing body after due notice in writing to the parties involved.
   B   Meters Furnished By City: Meters will be furnished by the city upon application for a connection, and upon payment of such connection fees and other costs as may be established by the city council from time to time by resolution. Meters shall be deemed to be and remain the property of the city.
   C   Meter Readings: The public works manager shall cause meter readings to be taken and shall advise the business office thereof for the purpose of recording the necessary charges for water service.
   D   Tampering: Meters may be checked, inspected or adjusted at the discretion of the city, and they shall not be adjusted or tampered with by the customer. Meter boxes shall not be opened for the purpose of turning on or off the water except by an authorized representative of the city.
   E   Meter Testing: If a customer submits a request to the public works manager to test his water meter, the city may, in its discretion, order a test of the meter measuring the water delivered to such customer. If such request is made within twelve (12) months after the date of the last previous test, the customer may be required to pay the cost of such test. If the meter is found in such test to record from ninety seven percent (97%) to one hundred three percent (103%) of accuracy under methods of testing satisfactory to the city, the meter shall be deemed to accurately measure the use of water.
   F   Estimation In Case Of Failure: If the city's meters fail to register at any time, the water delivered during the period of failure shall be estimated on the basis of previous consumption during a period which is not questioned. In the event a meter is found to be recording less than ninety seven percent (97%) or more than one hundred three percent (103%) of accuracy, the city shall make such adjustments in the customer's previous bills as are just and fair under the circumstances.
   G   Damage To System: It shall be a class C misdemeanor, subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-6 of this code, to injure, deface, or impair any part or appurtenance of the water or sewer system, or to cast anything into any reservoir or tank belonging to the water system.
   H   Damage By Customer: All damages or injury to the lines, meters or other materials of the city on or near the customer's premises caused by any act or neglect of the customer shall in the discretion of the city be repaired by and at the expense of the customer. The customer shall pay all costs and expenses, including a reasonable attorney fee, which may arise or accrue to the city through its efforts to repair the damage to the lines, meters or to other equipment of the department or collect such costs from the customer. (1978 Code § 14-136; amd. 1996 Code)