A   Supervision Of Department: The chief shall have responsibility for the general supervision of the department.
   B   Control And Extinguish Fire: During a fire, the chief shall have full authority to take all measures as he shall deem necessary, subject to state law, to control and extinguish the fire.
   C   Report Information To City Council: The chief shall, at least quarterly, report to the city council the condition of the fire equipment, the number of fires and their causes and the estimated loss therefrom, together with such other information as the city council may request or as he shall deem appropriate.
   D   Enforce Fire Protection And Prevention: The chief shall strictly enforce all of the provisions of the ordinances of the city relating to the protection against and prevention of fire.
   E   Maintain Equipment: The chief shall maintain the equipment of the department in good repair and order and ready for use.
   F   Establish Rules And Regulations: The chief, subject to the approval of the city manager, shall establish rules and regulations for the operation of the department.
   G   Delegate Duties: The chief may delegate his duties to any person employed by the department, but such delegation shall not relieve the chief of his responsibility for the performance thereof.
   H   Investigation Of Fires: The chief shall cause all fires to be promptly investigated to determine the cause of the fire and report the cause of the fire, the time originated and such other information as may be relevant to prevent other fires. (1978 Code § 10-122; amd. 1996 Code)
   I   Employ Firefighters And Personnel: The chief may make recommendations to the city manager relating to the employment of firefighters and such other personnel as may be necessary to enforce the provisions of this chapter. The chief may employ such additional personnel as the mayor and city council may direct or authorize. (1978 Code § 10-123; amd. 1996 Code)
   J   Declarations Of Fire Prevention Measures:
      1   In times of imminent fire danger, such as may be present during extreme drought conditions, the chief shall have full authority, by declaration, to impose any fire prevention regulations deemed necessary to restrict or prohibit actions or circumstances with the potential of creating a fire hazard.
      2   It shall be a class B misdemeanor for any person to violate the regulations set forth by order of the fire chief. (Ord. 2002-3, 6-26-2002)