The following is a glossary of acronyms or abbreviations used within this chapter.
ACI | Aggregate Caliper Inch(es) |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
APA | American Planning Association |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine |
CBD | Central Business District |
CDBG | Community Dev. Block Grants |
COW | Cellular On Wheels |
CR | County Road |
CUP | Conditional Use Permit |
DA | Development Agreement |
DNR | Department of Natural Resources |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DU | Dwelling Unit |
DU/A | Dwelling Units/Acre |
EA | Environmental Assessment |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
EPA | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GVW | Gross Vehicle Weight |
HWY | Highway |
K | 1 Thousand, 1,000, kilo, kilometer |
LB | Pound(s), 16 ounces |
LOS | Level of Service (Highways & Streets) |
MI | Mile, 5,280 Feet |
MnDOT | MN Department of Transportation |
OHW | Ordinary High Water Mark |
OZ | Ounce(s) |
PCA | Pollution Control Agency |
PUD | Planned Unit Development |
ROW | Right-of-Way |
SF | Square Foot (feet) |
SM | Square Mile, 640 Acres |
SQ | Square |
Ton | 2,000 Pounds |
TWP | Township, 36 square miles (statutory) |
UBC | Uniform Building Code |
V/CR | Volume to Capacity Ratio |
WECS | Wind Energy Conversion System |
ZO | Zoning Ordinance |