Upon receipt of the report, the City Council shall, by resolution, set a date for a public hearing on the report and cause at least two weeks’ written notice of the hearing to be given by mail, addressed to the owner of each parcel of land abutting upon the portion of any sidewalk alleged in the report to be in such disrepair as to be dangerous to public travel thereon, the notice to be addressed to the owner at the address shown on the last general assessment roll of city real estate.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-3)
(A) If the City Council shall find upon the hearing or any adjournment thereof that the sidewalks embraced within the report, or any of them, are in such disrepair as to be dangerous to the public travel thereon, it shall direct the Public Works Director to send or cause to be sent a written notice of the defect to the owner of each parcel of land abutting upon any defective sidewalk, directing him or her to cause the sidewalk in front of his or her parcel of land to be repaired at his or her own cost and expense in the manner recommended by the Public Works Director within 30 days from the date of the notice.
(B) The notice shall further state that if the sidewalk is not so repaired by him or her, the city will proceed to make the repairs and assess the cost thereof against the abutting parcels of land. For good reason shown, the Public Works Director is authorized to extend the time given to any owner with which to make the repairs.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-4)
(A) If any repair is not made by the owner of the abutting parcel of land within the time and in the manner specified in the notice to him or her or any extension thereof granted by the Public Works Director, the city may then proceed to make the repair under contract or by its employees under the supervision and direction of the Public Works Director or of some competent person in his or her office assigned thereto.
(B) Careful and adequate records of the cost of each repair shall be maintained showing the cost in time employed and of materials used in effecting the repair.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-5)
After any repair or any group of repairs to be made by the city has been completed, the Public Works Director shall certify to the City Council the total cost thereof, and thereupon the Council shall determine by resolution the amount of the total cost the city will pay, if any, other than the amount, if any, which it will pay as a property owner and the amount to be assessed. The resolution shall then be filed with the City Clerk. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the Public Works Director or other qualified person selected by the Council, shall calculate the proper amount to be assessed against each abutting parcel of land in front of which any of such repairs have been made by the city on the basis of the cost thereof and shall prepare a proposed assessment roll and deliver it to the Council.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-6)
Upon receipt by the City Council of the proposed assessment roll, it shall, by resolution, set a date for a public hearing thereon and file the proposed assessment roll with the City Clerk where it shall be open to public inspection. Thereupon the City Clerk, under the direction of the Council, shall cause to be published once in the legal newspaper of the city a notice of the public hearing giving the date, time, and place thereof, stating the general nature of the improvement and that written or oral objections to the assessments will be considered at the hearing. The notice shall be published at least one week before the date of the hearing.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-7)