(A) If law enforcement authorities determine the existence of a clandestine drug lab site or chemical dump site, the site, and all personal property herein, shall be declared a public health nuisance.
(B) Law enforcement authorities who identify conditions associated with a clandestine drug lab site or chemical dump site which may place neighbors, the visiting public, or present and future occupants of the site at risk for exposure to harmful contaminants and other associated conditions are authorized to take the following action:
(1) Promptly notify the City Building Official, child protection, public health authorities, and the appropriate enforcement division of the Drug Enforcement Administration of the U.S. Justice Department of the location of the site, and the owner if known, of the conditions found;
(2) Treat, store, transport, or dispose of all hazardous waste found at the site in a manner consistent with State Department of Health, State Pollution Control, and County Health Department Standard Operating Guidelines;
(3) Issue a temporary declaration of public health nuisance for the affected site and post a copy of the declaration on all doorway entrances to the site or, in the case of bare land, post the declaration in several conspicuous places on the property. This temporary declaration of public health nuisance issued by law enforcement shall expire after the City Building Official inspects the site and determines the appropriateness of issuing a permanent declaration of public health nuisance;
(4) Notify all persons occupying the site that a temporary declaration of public health nuisance has been issued;
(5) Require all persons occupying the site to immediately vacate the site, remove all pets from the site, and not return without written authorization from the City Building Official;
(6) Notify all occupants vacating the site that all personal property at the site may be contaminated with dangerous chemical residue; and
(7) Secure each doorway entrance to the site to reasonably prohibit people from entering the site without authorization after all occupants of the site have vacated.
(C) The obligation to promptly notify the persons and organizations mentioned above may be delayed to accomplish appropriate law enforcement objectives, but only to the extent that public health and child protection responsibilities are not unnecessarily compromised.