(A) Establishment. The City Council may, by ordinance, set forth fees for fire protection service and/or emergency response, which are not otherwise specified by contract. Such fees may be established at a fixed rate for certain specific types of incidents or for actual costs incurred by the Fire Department in responding to the incident. The Fire Chief shall make a recommendation annually to the City Administrator for approval by the Council regarding the fee to be charged for each service noted in this section.
(B) False alarms. Fees for response to false fire alarms may be charged to the property owner or tenant for any incident per Department policy.
(C) Impoundment of vehicles and property. The Fire Chief or his or her designate is authorized to impound vehicles or property related to a fire and/or hazardous materials release to be held in a secure location until such time as payment is received for Fire Department response to the incident pursuant to this division (C) and/or the vehicle or property may be transported without further risk of injury to the public or damage to the environment.