§ 31.03 POSITIONS.
   All offices and positions in the city now existing or hereafter created by the City Council, unless specifically exempt, shall be subject to the provisions of these rules and regulations, except that the following offices and positions in the municipal employ shall be exempt from the provisions of these rules and regulations:
   (A)   Elected officials;
   (B)   Members of boards and commissions; and
   (C)   Appointed officials as follows: Attorney.
(Prior Code, § 1-6-3)
   (A)   The City Council shall appoint a City Administrator who shall provide the administrative supervision and direction of the city under the governance of the Council.
   (B)   The duties of Administrator shall be as prescribed by the City Council and in accordance with state statutes.
(Prior Code, § 1-6-4) (Ord. 72, passed 1-30-1980; Ord. 608, passed 1-26-2015)
   (A)   Any employee holding one of the positions listed below shall not perform the same or substantially similar duties for another local unit of government on either a full-time or ongoing part-time basis, either directly as an employee or independent contractor or indirectly through a corporation or other entity.
   (B)    The positions covered by this section are: City Administrator; Community Development Director; Economic Development Director; Public Works Director; Chief Building Official; City Engineer; and Finance Director.
(Prior Code, § 1-6-5) (Ord. 430, passed 9-26-2005; Ord. 586, passed 11-12-2013)
§ 31.20 PURPOSE.
   Administrative offense procedures established pursuant to this subchapter are intended to provide the public and the city with an informal, cost effective, and expeditious alternative to traditional criminal charges for violations of certain ordinance provisions. The procedures are intended to be voluntary on the part of those who have been charged with administrative offenses. At any time prior to the payment of the administrative penalty as is provided for hereafter, the individual may withdraw from participation in the procedures in which event the city may bring criminal charges in accordance with law. Likewise, the city, in its discretion, may choose not to initiate an administrative offense and may bring criminal charges in the first instance. In the event a party participates in the administrative offense procedures but does not pay the monetary penalty which may be imposed, the city will seek to collect the costs of the administrative offense procedures as part of a subsequent criminal sentence in the event the party is charged and is adjudicated guilty of the criminal violation.
(Prior Code, § 1-7-1)