(A)   Adoption of zoning map. The map entitled City of Monticello Zoning Map, January 24, 2011, hereinafter referred to as the “zoning map,” and all explanatory matters thereon, are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter. Questions concerning a zoning designation or boundaries of a zoning district shown on the zoning map shall be resolved by referring back to the previously adopted ordinances delimiting the districts and boundaries.
   (B)   Types of zoning districts. Land within the city is generally classified by this chapter to be within one of a number of base zoning districts. Land within any base zoning district may also be classified into one or more overlay zoning districts, in which case regulations governing development in the overlay district shall apply in addition to the regulations governing development in the underlying base zoning district, unless expressly stated otherwise.
   (C)   District boundaries.
      (1)   The boundaries of the districts are established as shown on the zoning map. Unless otherwise indicated on the zoning map, the district boundaries are parcel lines or the corporate limit lines, as they existed at the time of the enactment of this chapter.
      (2)   New base district lines or rezoning lines shall follow parcel lines.
   (D)   Zoning classifications for newly annexed property. Any land annexed to the city in the future shall initially be placed in the A-O Agricultural Open District, unless placed in another district by action of the City Council after recommendation of the Planning Commission.