(A)   The purchasing agent may purchase supplies with an estimated cost of less than $25,000 on the open market without inviting or receiving quotes for bids.
   (B)   It is hereby determined that each agency and/or department of the City of Monticello may purchase services in whatever manner the purchaser determines to be reasonable.
   (C)   Supplies manufactured in the United States shall be specified for all purchases and shall be purchased unless the city determines:
      (1)   The supplies are not manufactured in the United States in reasonable available quantities;
      (2)   The price of the supplies manufactured in the United States exceeds by an unreasonable amount the price of available and comparable supplies manufactured elsewhere;
      (3)   The quality of the supplies manufactured in the United States is substantially less than the quality of comparably priced available supplies manufactured elsewhere; or
      (4)   The purchase of supplies manufactured in the United States is not in the public interests.
(Ord. 98-14, passed 6-15-98)