(A)   Creation of office. There is hereby created the Office of the City Administrator, an executive office of the city. The City Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council.
   (B)   Qualifications; residency. The City Administrator must be capable of performing all duties as set forth herein. Within 6 months of appointment, or such other time period as the Mayor may determine, the City Administrator shall establish residency within the city.
   (C)   Bond. Before entering upon his or her duties of office, the City Administrator shall execute a bond in the amount of $50,000 conditioned upon the faithful performance of his or her duties. The bond shall be filed with the City Clerk. The cost of the bond shall be paid for by the city.
   (D)   Compensation. The City Council shall fix the salary of the City Administrator in the annual appropriation ordinance. The salary shall neither be increased nor diminished during the fiscal year in which the appropriation is made. In addition to the conditions set forth herein, the terms and conditions of employment of the City Administrator may be further determined by a contractual agreement.
   (E)   Duties. The City Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the city and shall be responsible to the Mayor and to the City Council for the management and operation of all of the departments and personnel of the city. The City Administrator shall perform the following duties, in addition to such other duties as may be prescribed by the Mayor and City Council:
      (1)   Supervision of the Director of Public Works, Building Inspector, Director of Economic Development, Recreation Director, and administrative office staff;
      (2)   Preparation of or the delegation of the preparation of meeting agendas, correspondence, reference materials, and studies for City Council meetings and Planning and Zoning Board meetings;
      (3)   Promotion of economic development in the city by working with the Director of Economic Development and Economic Development Advisory Committee, local service organizations, and citizens' groups;
      (4)   Supervision of insurance policies, insurance reports, and serving as Risk/Claim Manager for IML Risk Management insurance or such other insurance company as the City Council may determine;
      (5)   Serve as liaison with city residents, visitors, and media, engineering firms, contractors, City Attorney, City Fire Chief, ESDA Coordinator, county and other local municipal governments and cooperative groups and others as assigned by the Mayor;
      (6)   Implement actions and policies as directed by the Mayor and City Council;
      (7)   Maintain regular office hours as published in the personnel manual or as assigned by the Mayor and City Council;
      (8)   Prepare all grant applications for the city collaborating with city staff and City Attorney and supervise all grant funded programs;
      (9)   Negotiate agreements, contracts, and arrangements pertinent to the operation of the city as authorized by the Mayor and City Council;
      (10)   Examine city ordinances, resolutions, and agreements and advise various committees of necessary revisions and updates;
      (11)   Evaluate performance of all city personnel and committees and provide guidance as needed;
      (12)   Attend all City Council, committee and board meetings or delegate a responsible alternate, unless excused by the chairperson, and provide input as necessary;
      (13)   Coordinate the annual budgeting process through the Council committees and work with the City Treasurer to implement and control the budget;
      (14)   Oversee franchises, leases, licenses, contracts, permits, and privileges granted by the city;
      (15)   Act as the purchasing agent for the city and issue a purchase order for any and all purchases over $50;
      (16)   Be responsible for the care, custody and maintenance of city property; maintain an inventory of all real and personal property of the city;
      (17)   Oversee employment, hiring, promotion, demotion, discipline and discharge decisions (except as to employees under the jurisdiction of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners), personnel evaluations, pay recommendations, training, vacations, sick leave, and overtime;
      (18)   Act as Budget Director. As such, he or she shall review monthly financial reports and capital expenditures for budgets. He or she shall consult with the City Treasurer and department heads to examine and verify receipts, bills, and expenditures;
      (19)   Employees; chain of command. The City Administrator shall hire such assistants and other personnel as may be authorized by the City Council necessary to cany out the work of the city. All employees of city shall perform their duties subject to the orders and under the supervision of the city Administrator, No elected official of the city shall dictate the appointment of any person to, or the removal of any person from, employment with the city. Elected officials shall not give any orders to any subordinates of the City Administrator; and
      (20)   The City Administrator shall act as a public hearing officer under the Public Safety Employee Benefits Act. The decision of the City Administrator shall be a final administrative decision and may be appealed to the Circuit Court under the Administrative Review Act.
(Am. Ord. 2014-36, passed 9-8-2014; Am. Ord. 2016-09, passed 2-22-2016)