(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to maintain the character and integrity of residential areas and to provide a means through the establishment of specific standards and procedures by which home occupations can be conducted in residential neighborhoods, without jeopardizing the health, safety and general welfare of the surrounding neighborhood.
   (B)   Home occupation, minor. Minor home occupations are home occupations which shall not have nonresident customers or employees and where the occupation complies with the following:
      (1)   There are no persons, other than immediate members of the family, residing in the dwelling unit, engaged in the home occupation.
      (2)    There are no signs, advertising, displays, or other indications on the premises identifying the home occupation.
      (3)   The home occupation is clearly incidental and secondary to the residential use of the premises, does not change the residential character thereof, and results in no incompatibility with or disturbance to the surrounding residential uses.
      (4)   The home occupation does not create a nuisance to surrounding residents by reasons of noise, light, odor, dust, smoke, fumes, vibrations or electrical interference.
      (5)   All home occupations complies with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
      (6)   No noticeable increase in on-street parking results from the operation, nor does any increased traffic hazard occur as a result of vehicles entering or exiting the premises.
   (C)   Home occupation, major. Major home occupations are home occupations where customers and employees may come to the home and where the occupation complies with the following:
      (1)   A conditional use permit is required.
      (2)   No more than 1 person, who is not a member of the family residing on the premise, shall be employed.
      (3)    An identification sign shall not be greater than 16" x 24" and shall be attached to and mounted flush against the building. Flashing and/or illuminated signs are prohibited. There shall be no other display that will indicate from the exterior that the building is being utilized for any purpose other than that of a dwelling.
      (4)   Any home occupation shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the residential use of the premises, should not change the residential character thereof, and shall result in no incompatibility or disturbance to the surrounding residential uses.
      (5)   The home occupation shall not create a nuisance to surrounding residents by reasons of noise, light, odor, dust, smoke, fumes, vibrations or electrical interference.
      (6)   All home occupations shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
      (7)    A day care shall have no more than 8 children, including the occupants' natural or adopted children under age 18, who are in the home under full-time care.
      (8)   On-street parking is prohibited.
      (9)    The home occupation shall not increase any traffic hazard as a result of vehicles entering or exiting the premises.
   (D)   Prohibited occupations. 
      (1)   The following home occupations are prohibited in the city:
         (a)   General retail.
         (b)   Tanning salons.
         (c)   Funeral homes.
         (d)   Restaurants.
         (e)   Renting of trailers.
         (f)   Medical or dental offices, clinics or hospitals.
         (g)   Animal kennels or hospitals.
         (h)   Engine repair shops.
         (i)   Welding shops.
         (j)   Any activity which produces or involves the storage of noxious matter, or employs, produces or involves the storage of flammable matter.
         (k)   Automotive repairs or detailing.
         (l)   Contracting, excavating, or machine shops.
         (m)    Any wholesale business unless it is conducted entirely by mail and/or telephone and does not involve the receipt, sale, shipment, delivery or storage of merchandise on or from the premises.
         (n)   Cannabis businesses.
      (2)   The regulations appearing in this section shall not apply to any home occupation lawfully in existence on the date of adoption of these regulations, which may be maintained as a matter of right as a legal nonconforming use.
(Am. Ord. 2020-42, passed 8-24-2020)