(A)   Intent. The intent of this section is to create a series of districts or zones of such number and character as are necessary to achieve compatibility of uses within each district, to implement the Comprehensive Plan of the city and to complement the official zoning map of the city.
   (B)   Districts. For the purposes of these regulations, the land within the boundaries of the city is hereby divided into the following districts:
      (1)   B - Business. The Business District designated as B is established to provide areas for office and retail, wholesale, and commercial establishments which offer a wide range of goods and services.
      (2)   IC - Planned Industrial/Commercial Zone.
         (a)   The intent of the IC Zone is to provide opportunities for planned developments that combine industrial and commercial uses. Typical IC uses include, but are not limited to, light manufacturing, warehousing, office, research and development, and wholesale and retail sales. The IC Zone is appropriate for commercial uses which require large display or storage areas. It is also appropriate for office uses which involve associate light assembly and/or warehousing. IC developments should typically be located in areas ensuring a high degree of visibility and vehicular access. IC developments should also demonstrate a higher quality of appearance than general industrial (I-1) developments, befitting their more commercial nature. An integrated “campus” or “park-like” setting for IC developments is encouraged.
         (b)   Appropriate uses in the IC zone may include any type of business, administration or industrial use that is free from obnoxious or offensive noise, odor, dust, gas, smoke, or vibration, and which is part of a unified site design.
         (c)   Before the land is used or any building erected or used for any of the above purposes, a preliminary plan and a final plan shall be approved by the City Council for all contiguous property within this district in any 1 location. The review process for the preliminary and final plan shall follow all applicable procedures, standards and requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision and Development Regulations, as determined by the Planning and Zoning Board.
         (d)   The development plans shall be prepared by and have the seal of an architect and/or engineer duly registered to practice in this state. No building permit shall be issued until a final plat of the proposed development is approved and recorded.
         (e)   The Planning and Zoning Board shall review the conformity of the proposed development with the standards of the official city plan and recognized principles of civic design, land use planning, and landscape architecture. The Board may impose conditions regarding the layout, circulation and performance of the proposed development and may require that appropriate deed restrictions be filed enforceable by the city. A plat of development shall be recorded regardless of whether a subdivision is proposed and the plat shall show building lines, common land, streets, easements and other applicable features required by the chapter of the municipal code regulating the subdivision of land.
         (f)   The Commission may hold 1 or more public hearings on the development plans. The recommendations of the Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council who shall approve or disapprove the action of the Commission with or without modification. After approval by the City Council and after any required restrictions are in effect, the Building Inspector may issue permits enabling the approve final development plan to be carried out.
         (g)   From time to time, the proponents may make minor changes in the approved final plan so long as such changes have been approved by the planning Commissioner, upon denial of approval by the Planning and Zoning Board, with the approval of the City Council. What constitutes a “minor” change will be determined at the sole discretion of the Planning and Zoning Board. No building or occupancy permits shall be issued for any building or use that is not in accordance with an approved final plan. The final plan may be used as the plan required to obtain an occupancy or building permit, except that it shall also show the use or types of uses to be accommodated in each building or portion thereof in addition to the other requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision or Development Regulations.
      (3)   I-1 - General Industrial. This industrial district is established to provide areas in which manufacturing and related commercial and administrative operations are the principal use of the land. Areas for industrial development should be free from incompatible commercial uses, dwellings, and institutions for human care.
      (4)   RC - Conservation. The Conservation District is established to prevent the construction upon or alteration of rural or natural environments which have natural conditions of soil, slope, susceptibility to flooding or erosion, vegetation or an interaction between the aforesaid, which make such lands unsuitable for urban development. Further, this district is established to protect areas of the environment that, if altered, would cause health or pollution problems and environmental deterioration. The Conservation District will also ensure adequate areas for future conservation and recreational pursuits.
      (5)   RD - Urban Residential. Typical for the older residential areas of the city. The Urban Residential District is established to provide a variety of housing types related to the size and character of the development site or lot. In older neighborhoods, this zone allows a transition of large homes from owner to rental occupied, moreover, economical construction is allowed in such neighborhood. In the Urban Residential District appropriate religious, educational and recreational facilities create a balanced neighborhood. It is the intent of these zoning regulations that no new development be zoned Urban Residential.
      (6)   RE-1 - Single Family Residential. This Single Family Residential District is intended to provide areas for single family dwellings set on standard sized residential building lots of at least 8,000 square feet, in which the principal use of the land is for single family, together with the appropriate religious, education and recreational facilities as the basic elements of a balanced neighborhood. It is intended for areas where community facilities for water supply and sewage disposal are available.
      (7)   RM - Multiple Family Residential. The Multiple Family Residential District is intended to provide areas for 2-family and multiple family dwellings set in a moderate density housing environment where this use is compatible with surrounding land uses. It is intended for areas where community facilities for water supply and sewage disposal are available with appropriate religious, educational and recreational facilities to create a balanced neighborhood.
      (8)   RS - Suburban Residential. The Suburban Residential District is established to provide a low density area in which the principal use of land is for single-family on large sized residential building lots, together with the appropriate religious, educational and recreational facilities as the basic elements of a balanced neighborhood.
      (9)   RU - Rural. The Rural District is established as a district in which agricultural activity is encouraged as the principal use of land. The specific intent of the rural zone is to facilitate the long term use of lands best suited to agricultural production by preventing a mixture of urban and rural uses which often create incompatibilities and conflict with agricultural pursuits, which place unbalanced tax loads on agricultural lands and which encourage the premature termination of agricultural pursuits.
   (C)   Zoning upon annexation. All land which may hereafter be incorporated into the zoning jurisdictional area of the city, whether through annexation or otherwise, shall, unless a valid pre-annexation agreement in effect at the time of annexation provides otherwise or unless, after a public hearing, specific action by the City Council provides otherwise, automatically be classified from its present or most recent classification under the Piatt County Zoning Ordinance, to a classification under the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance, according to the following table:
Former Zoning District
Piatt County
New Zoning District
City of Monticello
Former Zoning District
Piatt County
New Zoning District
City of Monticello
A-1, Agricultural
RU, Rural
AC, Conservation
RC, Conservation
RS, Suburban Residential
RS, Suburban Residential
RD, Urban Residential
RD, Urban Residential
B-1, General Business
B, Business
I-1, General Industrial
I-1, General Industrial
I-A, Interchange Agricultural
RU, Rural
I-R, Interchange Residential
RS, Suburban Residential
I-B, Interchange Business
B, Business
I-I, Interchange Industrial
I-l, General Industrial
(Am. Ord. 2014-36, passed 9-8-2014)