(A)   General. The owner or developer submitting public improvement engineering plans and specifications shall submit all the information required by this section in the form specified. Failure of an owner or developer to provide this information in the form required shall be sufficient grounds for the city to refuse to accept the filing of public improvement engineering plans and specifications, to reject the plans and specifications at any stage in the review and approval process, to reject a final plat depicting lots or outlots served by the public improvements.
   (B)   Minimum material submitted. Engineering plans and specifications shall be submitted for all public improvements proposed in or necessary to serve lots depicted in an approved preliminary plan or portion thereof. These materials shall include, without limitation, plans, profiles, standard details, and special details drawn in sufficient detail and supported with sufficient data to make possible a complete and accurate determination of the extent of compliance or noncompliance with the city’s Manual of Practice for Design of Public Improvements in the City of Monticello and sufficient to permit construction and installation of the proposed improvements without additional or supporting engineering data.