(A)   Prior to the submission of a preliminary plan as required by § 152.041 or a planned unit development application pursuant to § 153.081, the owner or developer of a proposed subdivision or planned unit development shall prepare a concept plan of the proposed subdivision or planned unit development and attend a regular Planning and Zoning Board meeting for the purpose of reviewing the concept plan. The Planning and Zoning Board may invite other individuals or entities as it deems appropriate. The purpose of this pre-application conference is to review the concept plan, which is a preliminary concept and which may, after the pre-application conference, be then refined by the owner or developer into a preliminary plan as required by § 152.041 or a planned unit development application pursuant to § 153.081.
   (B)   This concept plan shall be drawn to engineering scale and shall show the conceptual layout of the proposed subdivision or planned unit development, including the general layout of streets, drainage, sewerage, and land uses and the present location of major natural features such as streams and lakes.
   (C)   The Planning and Zoning Board shall advise the owner or developer at the pre-application conference whether the concept plan is consistent with the subdivision principles of planning defined in the Manual of Practice for the Design of Public Improvements of the City of Monticello and with the official comprehensive plan, zoning code, this code and other applicable codes of the city in order to assist the owner or developer prior to the preparation of the preliminary plan required by § 152.041 or a planned unit development application pursuant to § 153.081. This pre-application conference may be waived by mutual agreement between the staff and the owner or developer.
(Am. Ord. 2013-43, passed 7-22-2013; Am. Ord. 2014-36, passed 9-8-2014)