(A)   The purpose of the planned unit development regulations is to encourage and allow more creative and imaginative design for land development than is possible under the more conventional zoning regulations. The planned unit development also provides for more efficient use of the land and thus may result in more economical land development. Preservation of natural site qualities, better urban amenities, more open spaces, and a higher quality project are also intended results of the planned unit development process.
   (B)   The process is intended to be an alternative to the conventional subdivision of land and lot by lot development contemplated by the subdivision regulations of this code and the zoning district regulations of Chapter 153 of this city code, as amended. The following objectives may be attained through the use of the planned unit development process:
      (1)   A maximum choice in the types of environment available to the public by allowing a development that would not be possible under the strict application of the other sections of this chapter and Chapter 153 of this city code, as amended;
      (2)   Permanent preservation of common open space and recreation areas and facilities;
      (3)   A pattern of development to preserve natural vegetation, topographic, and geologic features;
      (4)   The prevention and/or control of soil erosion and surface flooding;
      (5)   A creative approach to the use of land and related physical features that results in better development and design and the construction of aesthetic amenities;
      (6)   An efficient use of the land resulting in more economic networks of utilities, streets, schools, public grounds and buildings and other facilities;
      (7)   A land use which promotes the public health, safety, comfort, morals, and welfare;
      (8)   A combination and coordination of architectural styles, building forms, and building relationships with a possible mixing of different urban uses in an innovative overall design;
      (9)   Innovations in residential, commercial, and industrial development so that growing demands of the population may be met by greater variety in type, design, and layout of buildings and by the conservation and more efficient use of open space auxiliary to the buildings;
      (10)   The combination of a number of review and approval procedures into a single plan review and approval process; and
      (11)   The use of public input and participation in the design and development of innovative and creative land use proposals.
   (C)   The planned unit development is intended to provide for projects incorporating a single type of a variety of related uses which are planned, developed, and maintained as a unit. The planned unit development should provide amenities not otherwise required by law and often establishes facilities and open space greater than the minimum required by code. This development may consist of subdivided lots, provided that the platted lots are maintained in unified control with unsubdivided property maintained in separate ownership but unified control.
   (D)   The planned unit development may permit the transfer of dwelling units from one portion of the tract to another and will permit the clustering of dwelling units in 1 or more locations upon the tract. The uses permitted within the planned unit development shall be the same as those authorized in the zoning district in which it is located, unless otherwise provided by the allowable exceptions under Chapter 153 of this city code, as amended.
   (E)   The unique and substantially different character of planned unit developments requires that they be processed under a special plan review procedure. Planned unit developments are of a different character than conventional subdivisions or other projects requiring site plan review, requiring the establishment herein of specific and additional procedures, standards, and exceptions to govern the recommendations of the Planning Commission and the action by the City Council.
   (F)   A person, by choosing to develop property as a planned unit development, elects to submit a contemplated development proposal to a legislative and discretionary review by the Planning Commission and City Council. It is the intent of this code that the planned unit development review procedure be conducted as an alternative to subdivision review as under this code. All planned unit developments shall be designed in a manner as to conform to the provisions of the city major street plans, trunk sewer extension plans, water distribution system plans, and storm drainage plans.