(A)   Any license or permit for a limited time may be suspended by the Mayor at any time during the life of the license or permit for any violation by the licensee or permittee of the ordinance provisions relating to the license or permit, the subject matter of the license or permit, or to the premises occupied, the revocation may be in addition to any fine imposed.
   (B)   Before any license is revoked by the Mayor, he or she shall give 5 days’ written notice in advance by registered mail, return receipt requested, directed to the licensee at the usual place of business within the city of the reason for the revocation. Any licensee may appeal the decision of the Mayor to revoke any license to the Council. This appeal shall be in writing, setting forth the reasons for the appeal and shall be filed with the Clerk within 10 days after the receipt of the notice from the Mayor to revoke the license. Upon receipt of the notice, the Council shall fix a time and place for hearing the appeal. The hearing shall be held not more than 20 days following the receipt of the notice of appeal by the Clerk. The filing of an appeal by the licensee shall not operate as a stay of the determination of the Mayor to revoke the license.
   (C)   When in any 12-month period a license or permit under this chapter has been suspended more than twice or there have been more than 2 convictions, including bond forfeitures, for violations of any provision of this chapter, the Mayor may permanently revoke the respective massage establishment permit or the masseur or masseuse permit.