Street Location
Street Location
Bridge/Center Street, on both north and south sides, from Market Street to the city’s west corporate limits
Bridge Street, both sides of the road, from Railroad Street to the western city limits
Buchanan Street, on the east side, for a distance of 95 feet north of the intersection of Buchanan Street and Center Street
Buchanan Street, on the west side, from High Street to Center Street
Center Street, on the north side, between North Market Street and North Buchanan Street
Center Street, on the south side, from North Market Street to North Charter Street and from North Hamilton Street to North Buchanan Street
Center Street, on the south side, for a distance of 65 feet immediately east of Buchanan Street
Charter Street, on the east side, between William Street and Marion Street
Charter Street, on the west side, from Center Street south to Livingston Street
Charter Street, both sides, between Livingston Street and Lafayette Street, Mondays and Fridays from 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
East Grant, on south side, from Buchanan Street to Monticello Street
East Marion Street, for a distance of 50 feet on the north side, from Piatt Street intersection
East Marion Street, north side, from South Hamilton Street to South Buchanan Street
East Marion Street, on the south side, between South State Street and Piatt Street
East Washington Street, on the north and south side, between Independence Street and the east corporate limits
Street Location
Street Location
East Wilson Street, on north side, from North Union Street to point 40 feet west of center line of Buchanan Street
Hamilton Street, east side, from Kratz Road to William Street
Hamilton Street (both sides) from Livingston Street to Railroad
Kratz Road, north side, from Hamilton to Market Street
Livingston Street (both sides) from Buchanan to Hamilton Street
Livingston Street, on the north side, for a distance of 67 feet west of the intersection of Livingston Street and Charter Street, as measured west from Charter Street centerline
Main Street, on the south side, between Independence Street and Piatt Street
Main Street, both sides, between Market Street and Independence Street, Mondays and Fridays from 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
Market Street, anywhere within the limits of the city
North Buchanan Street (both sides) from East Washington Street to East Center Street
North State Street, on the east side, for a distance of 25 feet immediately north of Livingston Street
North State Street, on the west side, between Livingston Street and Illinois Central tracks
North State Street, on the west side, from Livingston Street to Lone Beech Road
North State and East Livingston Street, intersection, first parking spaces on the southeast, southwest and northwest corners of intersection
North Union Street (both sides) from Grant Street to Lincoln Street
Old Route 47, both sides of the road, from Walden Drive to Trailblazer Road
Opal Drive, on either side, situated in Wilkin Commercial Park
Street Location
Street Location
Piatt Street, on east and west sides, between East Marion Street and East Washington Street
Prairie Lane, on the west side, Monday through Friday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Ridgepointe Drive, the south side, Monday through Friday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sage Drive, on the west side
South Buchanan Street (both sides) from East Washington Street to East Marion Street
South Independence, on the west side, between cross streets of Marion Street and Bond Street*
State Street, both sides, between Livingston Street and Lafayette Street, Mondays and Fridays from 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
Surrey Court, on the west side of the street
Union Drive, on the west side, from Stoddard Court to Wilson Street
West Livingston Street, on the south side, between Market Street, and the switch track of the Wabash Railroad Company
West Marion Street, on the north side, from North Market Street to South State Street
West Marion Street, on the south side, between Allerton Road and South State Street
Washington Street, both sides, between Market Street and Independence Street, Mondays and Fridays from 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
West Washington Street, on the south side, between Park Street and the right-of-way of the switch track of the Wabash Railroad
West Washington Street, on the south side, for a distance of 145 feet east of the intersection of Washington Street and Market Street, as measured east from Market Street centerline.
* Fine $5-500
   Appropriate signs shall be procured, erected and maintained, giving notice of the aforesaid no parking areas, and no citation for a violation of this schedule shall be issued until such signs are erected.
(Am. Ord. 2009-44, passed 9-14-2009; Am. Ord. 2009-55, passed 12-14-2009; Am. Ord. 2011-10, passed 4-11-2011; Am. Ord. 2011-38, passed 9-12-2011; Am. Ord. 2017-47, passed 7-10-2017; Am. Ord. 2020-10, passed 3-9-2020)