The regular meetings of the City Council shall be held on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the hour of 7:00 p.m. Following upon the conclusion of the regular meeting, the Council may, when it has matters for discussion, convene as a Committee of the Whole. The purpose of the Committee of the Whole is for discussion of matters, whether with staff, petitioners, the Mayor or others as invited. There shall be no formal action taken at the Committee of the Whole meeting. An agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting shall be prepared and posted with the agenda for the regular meeting. Use of the consent (or omnibus) agenda at the regular meeting is hereby authorized as permitted by law. With respect to the agenda for the Committee of the Whole, that agenda will not include addresses from the public as an item of business because an opportunity for the public to address the Council was provided at the regular meeting. If the regular meeting/Committee of the Whole meeting falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall take place the next day at the same hour. Recessed meetings may be held at such times as the Council may determine in accordance with § 30.04.
(Am. Ord. 2013-28, passed 6-10-2013)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see Ch. 24, Par. 3-11-13 – now repealed