The volume of flow used for computing wastewater charges shall be based on metered water consumption read to the lowest even increment of 100 cubic feet.
   (A)   Users of the wastewater facilities of the city whose source of potable water is the city water system are required to install a water meter of a suitable type and size that is acceptable to the city. Users of the wastewater facilities of the city whose source of potable water is in total or in part from a source other than the city water system shall also be required to install a water meter of a suitable type and size that is acceptable to the city. Water meters are required for the purpose of determining the volume of water consumption as obtained from all sources.
   (B)   The water meter shall be owned by the city, but shall be installed and maintained in proper working order by the user. The city shall designate the location of the water meter and shall inspect its installation. Following city approval of the water meter installation, the meter shall not be removed or altered without the consent of the city.
   (C)   Devices for measuring the volume of wastewater discharged to the wastewater facilities of the city may be required by the city if the volume of water consumption cannot otherwise be determined from water meters or metered water records.