These regulations shall apply to the following developments:
   (A)   All new or expanded subdivisions which require the approval of the city pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 152 of this code;
   (B)   Generally, any new construction, within the city’s area of zoning jurisdiction pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 153, Zoning Regulations, of this code, that increases the amount of impervious area of the lot or parcel of land upon which it is constructed; and
   (C)   Except as may otherwise be provided herein, all structures erected hereafter, all uses of land or structures established hereafter, all improvements to watercourses, all structural alterations or relocation of existing structures occurring hereafter, and all enlargements of, or additions to, existing uses which increase the amount of impervious area, occurring hereafter, shall be subject to the provisions of these regulations. Therefore, except as provided in § 52.08, no building permit may be issued; no subdivision or plat of land may be approved or recorded; no mobile home, independent travel trailer, or recreational travel trailer park permit may be issued; no planned unit development may be approved; no watercourse, stormwater drainage system, storm sewer, or stormwater control structure may be constructed; and no paved or compacted area designed to be used for loading, open storage, or the parking or movement of vehicles may be constructed without first having complied with the applicable provisions of these regulations.