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(a) An application for a corrective map amendment must be decided by the District Council based upon the evidence of record and must be rendered by the Council, in open session, within 60 days of the public hearing, unless such time has been extended by the District Council.
(b) The District Council may approve a corrective map amendment with respect to property included in the application, with or without modification, in whole or in part, if it determines that zoning assigned to property included in the application as depicted on the adopted zoning map is inaccurate due to technical errors and omissions.
(c) The District Council may remand the application to the Planning Board for further consideration if the council believes that additional property not included in the Board's application should be considered for inclusion. The Board must determine if the application should be amended and promptly transmit its findings to the council.
(d) An action by the District Council must be by resolution securing the affirmative vote of 5 members of the District Council. A resolution that does not receive the minimum number of votes is denied.
(e) The District Council will cause to be prepared an opinion setting forth its findings and conclusions in support of its resolution to approve or its denial. A copy of the opinion must be mailed to all property owners included in the application and to the Planning Board.
(Ord. No. 12-70, § 6.)