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Sec. 59-G-2.10.1. Cable communications system.
   (a)   Structures, buildings and facilities in which or on which component elements of a cable communications system are located or which otherwise support the system, and which are operated by the entity operating the cable communications system pursuant to a franchise awarded by Montgomery County, may be allowed upon approval by the board of appeals.
   (b)   Offices are not permitted in residential zones as part of the cable communications system.
   (c)   Any proposed tower must have a setback of one foot from all property lines for every foot of height of a tower.
   (d)   A petition for special exception under this section may be filed on a project basis.
   (e)   Any component element of a cable communications system that qualifies as a permitted use in the zone in which it is to be located is not required to obtain special exception approval.
   (f)   The location of the proposed community access centers/studios must be consistent with the cable communications plan approved by the County Council.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 10-6, § 4; Ord. No. 14-47, § 1.)