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Sec. 59-E-4.2. Parking facilities plan objectives.
A parking facility plan shall accomplish the following objectives:
   (a)   The protection of the health, safety and welfare of those who use any adjoining land or public road that abuts a parking facility. Such protection shall include, but shall not be limited to, the reasonable control of noise, glare or reflection from automobiles, automobile lights, parking lot lighting and automobile fumes by use of perimeter landscaping, planting, walls, fences or other natural features or improvements.
   (b)   The safety of pedestrians and motorists within a parking facility.
   (c)   The optimum safe circulation of traffic within the parking facility and the proper location of entrances and exits to public roads so as to reduce or prevent traffic congestion.
   (d)   The provision of appropriate lighting, if the parking is to be used after dark.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 10-32, § 12.)