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   59-C-18.222.    Regulations.
   (a)   Land uses.  All permitted or special exception uses allowed in the underlying multi-family zones are allowed in the respective zones within the overlay zone.  Commercial uses are allowed in a multi-family zone where designated as suitable in the applicable master plan.  Such uses are limited to those allowed in Sec. 59-G-2.47(a).
   (b)   Development standards.  All development must comply with the standards and requirements of the underlying zone except as modified by this overlay zone.
      (1)   Neighborhood-oriented commercial uses are allowed in a multi-family zone only where such uses are recommended as suitable in the applicable master plan.  If the use is proposed to be free-standing, the scale and character of development must be consistent with the recommendations of the master plan.  If the commercial use is proposed to be provided in a multi-family structure, the use must have direct access to the street.
      (2)   Where commercial uses are proposed in a multi-family zone, the development is subject to approval of a site plan under Division 59-D-3.
      (3)   In the course of site plan review, the Planning Board may waive the requirements for parking setbacks and numbers of spaces where it finds that such waivers will accomplish the goals of the master plan and provide for a form of development that allows better pedestrian circulation and encourages use of transit.