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The TS-R and TS-M zones are intended to be used as follows:
(a) The TS-R and TS-M zones are intended to be used in a Transit Station Development Area as defined in section 59-A-2.1. However, the TS-R zone may also be used in an area adjacent to a Central Business District, within 1,500 feet of a metro transit station, and the TS-M zone may be also be used within a Central Business District if the property immediately adjoins another property outside a Central Business District that is eligible for classification in the TS-M zone or separated only by a public right-of-way from property outside a Central Business District that is eligible for classification in the TS-M zone.
(b) The TS-R zone is intended for locations where multiple-family residential development already exists or where such development is recommended by an approved and adopted master plan.
(c) The TS-M zone is intended for locations where substantial commercial or office uses already exist or where such uses are recommended by an approved and adopted master plan.
(d) In order to facilitate and encourage innovative and creative design and the development of the most compatible and desirable pattern of land uses, some of the specific restrictions which regulate, in some other zoning categories, the height, bulk and arrangement of buildings and the location of the various land uses are eliminated and the requirement substituted that all development be in accordance with a plan of development meeting the requirements of this division.
(a) To promote the effective use of the transit station development areas and access thereto;
(b) To provide residential uses and certain compatible non-residential uses within walking distance of the transit stations;
(c) To provide a range of densities that will afford planning choices to match the diverse characteristics of the several transit station development areas within the county; and
(d) To provide the maximum amount of freedom possible in the design of buildings and their grouping and layout within the areas classified in this zone; to stimulate the coordinated, harmonious and systematic development of the area within the zone, the area surrounding the zone and the regional district as a whole; to prevent detrimental effects to the use or development of adjacent properties or the surrounding neighborhood; to provide housing for persons of all economic levels; and to promote the health, safety, morals and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the regional district and the county as a whole.
(a) To promote the optimum use of the transit facilities by assuring the orderly development of land in transit station development areas and access, both vehicular and pedestrian, to metro stations;
(b) To provide for the needs of the workers and residents of transit station development areas;
(c) To provide for the incidental shopping needs of the transit facility riders at metro stations having parking facilities for large numbers of riders;
(d) To minimize the necessity for automobile transportation by providing, in largely residential transit station areas, the retail commercial uses and professional services that contribute to the self-sufficiency of the community;
(e) To obtain amenities for the residents and workers in transit station areas not ordinarily obtainable in conventional zoning classifications; and
(f) To prevent detrimental effects to the use or development of adjacent properties of the neighborhood and to promote the health, safety, morals and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the district and the county as a whole.