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   59-C-5.474. MPDUs and Workforce Housing.
      (a)   Moderately Priced Dwelling Units.  If residential uses are included in a development, Moderately Priced Dwelling Units must be provided under Chapter 25A.  The maximum residential FAR may be increased in proportion to any MPDU bonus density units provided on-site.
      (b)   Workforce Housing.
         (1)   Workforce housing units are allowed at the option of the applicant under Chapter 25B.
         (2)   To allow the construction of all workforce housing units on site, the Planning Board must permit:
            (A)   any residential density or residential FAR limit of the applicable zone to be exceeded to the extent required for the number of workforce housing units that are constructed, but not by more than 5 percent;
            (B)   any residential density or residential FAR limit established in a master or sector plan to be exceeded to the extent required for the number of workforce housing units that are constructed, but not more than the maximum density and FAR of the zone, except as provided in paragraph (2)(A); and
            (C)   any building height limit established in a master or sector plan to be exceeded to the extent required for the number of workforce housing units that are constructed, but not more than the maximum height of the zone.
   59-C-5.475. Parking.  Off-street parking must satisfy Article 59-E.