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   59-C-4.365. Off-street parking.
The following regulations shall apply to parking facilities:
   (a)   All parking shall be located on land classified in the C-3 zone.
   (b)   All parking shall be located to the side or rear of the main building, inside of the building or on the roof.
   (c)   A driveway, without parking areas, may be located in front of the building.
   59-C-4.366. Development procedure.
The procedure for site plan approval shall be as set forth in division 59-D-3.
   59-C-4.367. Special regulations applicable to designated automobile-related uses.
   (a)   Setbacks.  All buildings, off-street parking and maneuvering areas (not to include access driveways), and all outdoor storage and display of motor vehicles must be set back from all property lines, in accordance with the requirements of the zone, except as follows:
      (1)   10 feet from any adjoining land classified in a commercial or industrial zone.
      (2)   50 feet from any adjoining or abutting land classified in a residential zone.
      (3)   50 feet from a controlled major highway or a limited access freeway.
      (4)   From any other street with a planned right-of-way of 120 feet or greater, buildings must be set back at least 50 feet from the street right-of-way.  The Planning Board, however, may reduce this building setback at the time of site plan approval upon a finding that such reduction will not adversely affect the character of the roadway and surrounding uses taking into consideration setbacks on nearby properties.
   The storage of waste material, auto parts, refuse and motor vehicles is prohibited in any required setback.
   (b)   Building Coverage. No more than 35 percent of the area of a lot may be covered by buildings, except that parking structures are excluded from the building coverage calculation.
   (c)   Lighting. In order to prevent any objectionable glare on surrounding properties or streets, the exterior lighting plan that is submitted as part of the required site plan must indicate the height, number and types of lighting fixtures, and a diagram showing their light distribution characteristics.
   (d)   Signs.  The display of a sign must comply with the requirements established in Article 59-F of this chapter.
   (e)   Exemption for Buildings Constructed Prior to August 22, 1988.  Any building constructed prior to August 22, 1988, that does not satisfy the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) above is a conforming use, provided that the building satisfies all other lawful requirements.  Any future alterations or expansions of the building may be done only if the work does not increase the lack of conformity with either subsection (a) or (b); however, in considering site plans for alterations or expansions subject to subsection (a) (2), the Planning Board may waive the setbacks required to not less than that required in the adjoining residential zone in cases where the adjoining residentially zoned land is developed with a structure used entirely or in part for a non-residential purpose and upon a finding that the proposed development is compatible with, and will not be detrimental to, the use and enjoyment of the adjoining residential property.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 9-80, § 2; Ord. No. 11-31, § 2; Ord. No. 12-7, § 1; Ord. No. 12-42, § 3; Ord. No. 13-76, §1.)
   Editor's note-Formerly, section 59-C-4.7.
Sec. 59-C-4.37. C-4 zone-Purpose and development standards.
   59-C-4.371. Purpose.
It is the intent of this zone to provide locations for low-density commercial uses of a nature which are compatible with locations on arterial or major roads outside of central business districts and regional shopping centers and where low-intensity development is necessary to preclude an adverse impact on public facilities in the area.