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   59-C-4.352. Floor area.
   The gross floor area of buildings shall not exceed FAR 1.5, except that the FAR may be increased to a maximum of 2.5 FAR for a mixed commercial and residential project provided: (1) the commercial FAR does not exceed 1.0 FAR, and (2) the ground floor is commercial, except for uses incidental to the residential use, such as lobbies and loading areas.
   Editor's note—59-C-4.352, Floor area, appears above as it was adopted by Ord. No. 14-54.  However, in Humphrey v. Planning Board for Montgomery County, Civil Nos. 239679 and 239680, the Circuit Court for Montgomery County found that Zoning Text Amendment 02-04 (Ord. No. 14-54) was an invalid and unconstitutional text amendment, violating the uniformity requirement of the Regional District Act and prohibited under the Maryland Constitution.  The text of 59-C-4.352 remained unchanged when Ord. 14-54 was adopted.