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Sec. 59-A-6.11. Temporary construction administration or sales office.
   (a)   A temporary office for construction administration or real estate sales, which may include an outside storage yard that is limited to the construction, development or sale of buildings or structures within the same site or subdivision is permitted as an accessory use in any zone upon the approval of a conditional use-and-occupancy permit issued under section 59-A-3.23. Such temporary use is allowed only for the duration of construction and sale of a project or in accordance with the approval periods specified in section 59-A-3.23, whichever occurs first. Extensions may be approved by the director only in accordance with provisions of section 59-A-3.23.
   (b)   Any temporary office for construction administration or real estate sales previously issued a use-and-occupancy permit prior to October 14, 1986, shall be required to apply for an extension of its previously issued use-and-occupancy permit at such time as the permit is more than 3 years old. Extensions must meet the requirements of section 59-A-3.23. The director shall revoke the use-and-occupancy permit for any previously approved construction administration or sales office over 3 years old that is not brought into compliance within 3 months after October 14, 1986.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 10-87, § 2.)