The character of the Old Montgomery Gateway District is enhanced by the use of quality building materials that reflect the desired image of the City of Montgomery. The following standards apply to the exterior of all buildings in the Old Montgomery Gateway District.
(A) Permitted materials. The use of exterior building and finishing materials in the OMG shall be in conformance with the following regulations:
(1) Primary materials.
(a) Buildings in the gateway shall have a primary exterior covering of brick, stone, natural wood clapboard, wood board and batten, wood shingles or modern manufactured materials that create the appearance of the materials listed above except as prohibited herein.
(b) The color of brick is encouraged to be in the red-orange range. The color should be uniform rather than being mottled or speckled.
(2) Accent materials. Buildings in the OMG may incorporate any of the above permitted primary materials as an accent. Exterior insulated finish systems, and decorative concrete masonry units may be used on a building in the gateway as an accent that comprises no more than 15% per side of the building's exterior wall surface.
(3) Other materials that are not listed as prohibited may be approved by the Landmarks Commission on a case-by-case basis as a primary or accent building material.
(B) Prohibited materials. Exterior covering materials that are prohibited include vinyl, aluminum or steel siding, standard concrete masonry units or tilt-up concrete.
(Ord. 7-2006, passed 4-19-06; Am. Ord. 16-2013, passed 11-6-13; Am. Ord. 9, 2018, passed 7-11-18; Am. Ord. 2, 2022, passed 4-6-22)