The setbacks for buildings in the OMG shall be determined as follows:
(A) The use of a parking structure for setback purposes shall be determined as follows: a parking structure shall be considered non-residential unless residential and only residential uses are built above the parking structure at the point of measure.
(B) Front yard setback. Front yard setbacks in the OMG are encouraged to create a street wall and buildings should be set a consistent distance from the right-of-way. The following regulations apply to front yard setbacks:
(1) The front yard setback shall be established between a minimum of zero and a maximum of ten feet from the right-of-way.
(2) To meet the required setback, a building's façade must meet the site layout and building configuration requirements of § 151.1509(A)(1).
(3) For panhandle lots see § 151.1509(C)(2).
(4) Exception for upper stories. The façades of buildings above the required minimum height established in § 151.1513(A)(1) may be set back farther than ten feet from the right-of-way.
(5) Exception for multiple buildings. An adequate number of buildings and front façades on each site must meet the required setback from the right-of-way to create a consistent street wall along the frontage of the site in conformance with § 151.1509. However, if the frontage of the site is designed with buildings at the setback line, the Planning Commission may allow additional buildings on the site to exceed this setback if they find that the development meets the other standards of this chapter and accomplishes the purpose of this district.
(C) Side yard setbacks. Side yard setbacks for development in the OMG shall be determined as follows:
(1) Buildings shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the side lot line when adjacent to any non-residential use outside of the OMG.
(2) When adjacent to a residential use, a building must be setback a minimum of 15 feet or one-half the height of the building, whichever is greater from the side lot line.
(3) Zero side lot line structures with a shared firewall may be permitted in a development under initial common ownership.
(D) Rear yard setbacks. Rear yard setbacks for development in the OMG shall be determined as follows: commercial structures shall be setback a minimum of 45 feet from the rear lot line when abutting a residential use outside of the OMG district.
(1) Commercial structures shall be setback 15 feet from the rear property line when abutting a lot within the OMG district or other non-residential district or use.
(2) Zero rear lot line structures with a shared firewall may be permitted in a development under initial common ownership.
(3) Residential structures shall be located no closer than ten feet to the rear lot line when abutting a lot within the OMG district or other non-residential district or use. Residential structures shall be setback ten feet or one-half the height of the building, whichever is greater, from the rear lot line when abutting a residential use outside of the OMG district.
(Ord. 6-2010, passed 7-7-10; Am. Ord. 16-2013, passed 11-6-13; Am. Ord. 9, 2018, passed 7-11-18; Am. Ord. 2, 2022, passed 4-6-22)