The Business Districts (O, OC, L-B, G-B, OMG and OM) and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(A) To provide in appropriate and convenient locations, sufficient areas for business activities for the exchange of goods and services;
(B) To protect residential neighborhoods adjacent to business uses by restricting the types of establishments, particularly at the common boundaries, that would create congestion, noise or other objectionable influences;
(C) To protect and stabilize both residential and nonresidential developments from congestion by requiring off-street parking facilities;
(D) To provide Office Districts (O) and Office Commercial Districts (OC) to create an environment that is conducive to well-located and designed offices building sites to accommodate all types of offices and limited business service activities;
(E) To provide Limited Business Districts (L-B) to accommodate small-scale limited retail, office uses and uses confined primarily to indoor activities with residentially sensitive scale and character;
(F) To provide General Business Districts (G-B) with parcels of sufficient size, allowing for a broader range of commercial uses and services than those specified in the L-B District, including more intensive automotive and outdoor uses;
(G) To provide an Old Montgomery District (OM) that preserves the historic fabric of the downtown area by maintaining retail and office uses along the primary street frontages, reducing the parking requirements and allowing for buildings to be located closer to the street. To further achieve these objectives, the District has been divided into the "core area" and "outer area". In the core area, development standards are established to maintain the traditional character and arrangement of lots along the Montgomery Road corridor; in the outer area, slightly more generous standards have been established for adjacent lots surrounding the corridor where existing lot arrangements are more flexible; and
(H) To provide an Old Montgomery Gateway District (OMG) to accommodate retail, office and mixed use developments that strengthen the current historic district and create a cohesive development pattern and density in the OMG and OM Districts.
(Ord. 5-2005, passed 3-23-05; Am. Ord. 12-2008, passed 9-3-08; Am. Ord. 2-2014, passed 3-5-14; Am. Ord. 7-2022, passed 10-5-22)